
The Ahuacan are a species of sophont trees. They can be found in most parts of the world. They are usually present in small clusters, but some trees are by themselves.   The Ahuacans have developed advanced nano-technology and a virtual interfaces that allows them to communicate with most other species. Understanding about these technologies was lost during the apocalypse, but those Ahuacans that survived usually also maintained their interfaces. They are a source of much wisdom and know-how as they are some of the only creatures who have still memories from before the disaster. However, as most of them died during the catastrophe the knowledge they have is very patchwork, but usually very useful to maintain old technology.  







Growth Stages

The life of a ahuacan begins as a seedling and grows quickly. Most seedlings do not survive unless cared for. This care is usually undertaken by other sophonts when available.  



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