
The Whakapura are known for their bioluminescent skin and their ability to regenerate after death. Individuals of this species can be found in most societies on the planet.


The Whakapura are an upright bipedal species with four arms, two legs, a torso and a head. They have no hair anywhere on their bodies. Their skin is bioluminescent and somewhat scaly, a remnant of their aquatic past. The head has one eye on each side and a large mouth with a large set of flat teeth. They have a small bony ridge on the top of their head.

Phenotype Features

These characteristics define the phenotypic appearance of individuals and are often shared by relatives and ethnic groups, but there is also much variation between any two individuals within the same ancestry.

Bioluminescent Skin Patterns

The skin of the Whakapura has bioluminescent patterns that can vary greatly between individuals and between ethnic groups. These patterns serve aesthetic, social and communicative purposes. The Whakapura have some control over them, but subconscious and emotional influences can also be reflected in the patterns.

Bone ridge

Across the top of the head the Whakapura have a bone ridge which can vary greatly in width, length, height and shape.

Rare Physical Anomalies

Some members of this species have rare physical anomalies that make them stand out in some way. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and does not include artificial body modifications.

Psionic Organ

In very rare cases, members of this species develop a psionic organ that allows them to train telepathic and telekinetic powers. This is due to a specific mutation in their genetic code. This mutation only manifests itself in a small percentage of the population. There are certain technologies that can force the mutation, but knowledge of them was lost during the Apocalypse. The organ is visible on the back of the individual and is usually accompanied by a very strong bioluminescent skin pattern.

Sensory Abilities

The Whakapura can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. Their vision is the most advanced and includes a very wide range of light and even some forms of radiation. The other senses are not as advanced in comparison, but serve their purpose.


When a whakapura dies, it does not remain dead for long. A seemingly supernatural energy regenerates the individual's body into a new form. This new form may come with a new personality and altered physiology. In most whakapura cultures, this is treated as a rebirth with a new individual who may question the entire status of his or her past life, including relationships with others. This phenomenon is not well understood; some attribute it to divine intervention, while others simply see it as part of their biology. During regeneration, the individual is enveloped by a powerful energy vortex that acts as a shield to ensure that regeneration can take place. While a regeneration is taking place, any other Whakapurans nearby will form a protective ring around them to ensure that the regeneration is not disrupted in any way. Individuals of other species to assist in this effort are highly appreciated, but not generally expected.


Regeneration does not make a whakapura immortal. Regeneration cannot be triggered if the body is completely destroyed very quickly, such as by a powerful explosion.   In some cases, regeneration simply does not occur. This can be a biological malfunction, but in most cases it is because the individual does not want to regenerate or is simply unable to regenerate. This may be the case if the individual has had a long and fulfilling life, or if the mind is physically too broken to continue. This has happened to many individuals during the Apocalypse.   Also, the protective vortex works well, but it can still be interrupted. There are certain energy weapons and powerful energy blasts that can break the vortex. No one who has experienced this has ever recovered. It often leaves a shell with a broken mind. All Whakapurans consider it the greatest crime against them if the vortex regeneration is intentionally interrupted.
10 - 500 years per regeneration
theoretically infinite


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Dec 3, 2023 14:01 by spleen

I love this species so much! The regeneration is so cool, and everything about their physiology is so interesting! I'd love to read more about where they're from

Have a wonderful day!