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Arachnae are those who possess the upper body of a human and the lower body of a spider. Due to this, they possess the ability to walk on walls and to produce their own webbing which is extremely strong, though rather flammable. Furthermore, they possess fangs that can deliver a mild paralytic venom. However, due to the bulk of their spider half, Arachnae are extremely poor swimmers and tend to avoid large bodies of it.   Arachnae tend to stand 6-7 feet tall and possess 6 eyes. This, coupled with the fact that they are rather uncommon, tends to attract attention. However, for the most part people have accepted them, though those still afraid of them are definitely still around.

Arachne Racial Stats

Wall Walker: Arachne can walk on walls at normal pace and ceilings at half pace.
Venomous Fangs: Arachne have fangs that deal Str + d4 damage. Furthermore, the victim must roll Vigor or suffer the effects of mild poison.
Webbing: Arachne can cast webs from their thorax at a target using a Shooting roll with a Range of 6″. A hit means the victim is Entangled, or Bound with a raise.
Bulky: Due to their unique physiology, Arachne generally have a difficult time finding appropriately fitted equipment. They suffer a -2 penalty when using equipment not designed for them and cannot wear other races' armor or clothing. All equipment costs twice the listed price.
Can't Swim: Arachne are ill-suited for the water, with their spider lower bodies becoming a liability. As such they suffer a -2 to all Athletic rolls while swimming and every 1" of movement in the water costs them 3" of Pace.


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