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Kitsune, despite being the descendants of humans melded with foxes in much the same way as other beastfolk races, differ from the others in that they are far more in tune with magic.   Kitsune are extremely long-lived, coming in second behind the fae in this. For each century they live, Kitsune gain another tail, something which is treated as a mark of status and wisdom amongst other Kitsune.   Furthermore, besides possessing abilities akin to those of a fox, Kitsune have the ability to shapeshift to a degree. While they cannot improve their natural physical attributes through this, they are able to mimic the appearance of those they have seen before. The length of time they can hold these transformations varies between Kitsune.

Kitsune Racial Stats

Fox's Cunning: Kitsune start with a d6 in Smarts and their maximum in the trait is raised to a d12+1
Shapeshifting: Kitsune can use the Disguise power (Pg. 165) three times per day without spending Power Points. This takes the form of physical shapeshifting as they change their features to match those they're disguising as, including shifting into creatures a size above (+1) or below (-1) them though their Attributes do not change. Kitsune can only use this power on themselves and use Smarts for the casting roll.
Low Light Vision: Kitsune's eyes amplify light, allowing them to see in the dark and ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
Weak: Kitsune are not the strongest of races, suffering a -1 penalty to Strength and Damage rolls.
Frail: Kitsune are not built to take hits, suffering a -1 penalty to Toughness.


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