Crackleblast Prime Munitions: Flash-fire Bullet.

Picture this.. You're on a hunt, looking for your next meal, but first you need to shoot it, and then cook it. What if you could do both in one go? This is what we at Crackleblast Industries offer! With the newly developed Flash-fire bullet, you'll be able to do JUST that. The bullet itself is made of your run-of-the-mill metal, copper or other sorts of metal, and the bullet cap is filled with a fine powder, which we have nick-named "Hell's Dust". Through a tiny spring mechanism in the cap, the bullet will let loose it's contents of HIGHLY FLAMMABLE phosphorus from within, and create a spark. Therefor, you not only SHOOT your target, you also BURN your target.
When is this effective? Combined with the Caretaker Handgun, you'll be able to squeeze out twelve of these puppies for war, especially effective against crowds who huddle up together, or effective against hiding enemies. Not sure where they are? Don't have a mage or a Shaman close by? Let loose a few Flash-fire bullets into the land around you, and your enemies are sure to come out once more.
  The bullet should be made as a two-way project. First the Hell's Dust should be mixed, and carefully sealed within a cartridge, which should then be inserted in a regular Hollow-tipped bullet.

Manufacturing process

The Hell's Dust is made up of dried Fireleaf and Fireweed. First, you want to make sure that there's absolutely no liquid in it anymore, before you start to grind them to a fine powder. The two types of herbs are flammable apart, but mix them both together, you'll have a highly explosive mixture. Get a hold of a Hollow-point bullet, and stuff the powder CAREFULLY into the hollow tip.
  • Patent owned by Cricket Crackleblast.
  • Raw materials & Components
    • Dried Fireleaf, Crushed
    • Dried Fireweed, Crushed
    • Hollow-point Bullet