Aidan Character in When Darkness Craves | World Anvil


Aidan is a young student that was trapped in the Dark Halls after a certain encounter with a cult. He can be met while traveling around the Halls, but there's a higher chance to meet him either at a marketplace in one of the settlements or at a gate market, where he likes to trade for various things. It's advised to not haggle with him, as he is very good at it. He likes to gather information about religions and traditions around the Halls and will sometimes pay for it, either with some gifts or food created by him.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Aidan is quite handsome. While his enchanting green eyes steal almost all of the attention, he still has a nice long nose and dark, sharp eyebrows. Back in our world, he often had stubble, but since the Dark Halls stole patches of his facial hair, he shaves it completely.

Identifying Characteristics

Ever since the incident that transported him to the Dark Halls he has symbols on the backs of his hands, his spine, and on his throat. They can't be removed by washing and seem to be just underneath the surface of the skin, though wounds don't erase them. He hasn't yet met someone who would know what they mean.

Apparel & Accessories

He often wears coats and scarves and prefers cargo pants. When traveling he can often be seen with a leather backpack. He still has three small hoop earrings in each of his ears.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From childhood to now


Aidan was born into an upper-middle-class family as a single child. He was lucky enough to never have to struggle in his childhood. While not being spoiled or pampered, he managed to get things he wanted and befriend anyone he found interesting thanks to him already being quite charismatic, even as a kid.   He went to public elementary, middle, and high school. Despite his interest in everything occult, he quickly became one of the popular kids. He was a pretty good student, mediocre at sports, and even if he and his group got caught doing something they shouldn't, he managed to talk himself out of trouble more than once. It was in elementary school that he met his best friend, ██████, with whom he shared many interests.   With his good grades, he managed to get into the university, where he studied anthropology. And while his best friend went on to study chemistry, the buildings were located in the same part of the city, so they often kept going out when they finished their lectures were finished for the day. They also joined a club studying supernatural, occult things, and urban legends. Their first year of college passed. It was filled with fun, parties, and studying.  

Meeting ██████

During their second year, a redheaded girl, ██████, joined their club. Aidan immediately felt sparks when they first talked. According to his best friend, she also kept glancing at Aidan when he didn't look, and when they talked, she seemed to be mesmerized by his green eyes. It didn't take long for the two of them to start going out.   Aidan, ██████, and ██████ started to organize various events for the club. Trips to haunted places, museums, and various places of power. With the news spreading about this, the club grew more and more.  

The discovery and a change

During one of their trips to a place that was in the past a ritual site of a cult, ██████ got lost. After a long search, Aidan found her completely absorbed in reading an unknown book. On a desk next to her, there was a sacrificial knife. When Aidan tried to look at what his girlfriend was reading, he couldn't. The text was either written in an unknown language or in complete gibberish. Still, when ██████ finally raised her head from reading, she wanted to take the book and the dagger back to their club. Thinking that she just wanted to decipher what was inside or just take the two things as souvenirs, Aidan agreed.   Aidan hasn't noticed it, but since then ██████ started to change. She read the text more and more and even started showing it to others. It seemed that they also could read it. And every single one of them had the same reaction. A certain weird passion started burning in all of them.  

Cult and sacrifice

Too busy with partying and studying, Aidan didn't notice how the occult club started becoming a cult. And ██████ somehow made him into some religious figure in the eyes of others. But every time he tried to contact her she told him she was busy preparing something and that soon he would see what she created. Thinking she planned another trip, he ignored it.   And then one day she called him and asked him to visit her. Aidan was happy that he would see her again after this break. She greeted him in her room, they talked, she gave him some alcohol to drink, and they talked more. Aidan started feeling weird. ██████ told him to lie down and rest.   The first thing he felt when he woke up was a cold stone beneath his back. He tried to move, but couldn't. He was tied up. As his vision came back he noticed two people standing above him. ██████ and ██████. They told him about how he would be the catalyst to create a paradise on Earth, and how ██████ knew he was the perfect vessel because his eyes were just like those in the prophecy. They talked and talked. Aidan just begged them to stop that silly thing and just free him.  

Dark Halls

When the sacrificial knife fell, Aidan woke up in Dark Halls. Thinking that he has just died, the knowledge that his best friend and girlfriend did it broke him. The knife was still with him. He was lucky enough to be found before he left the First Hall by people who explained the Dark Halls to him.   Since then, he walks from one place to another, on the brink of giving up. It is said that he visited one of the rooms where darkness steals names to forget the name of his girlfriend and his best friend. He lost way more, but he didn't care.

Mental Trauma

Most of his fire to go on has been broken when his girlfriend and his best friend wanted to kill him as a sacrifice. Since then, he wasn't able to create any long-term friendships or relationships, simply ghosting people when he thought he got too close to them.   All of his charisma and confidence evaporated, leaving him cautious and anxious.   He still cares for himself, sleeping regularly and avoiding dangerous beings, but sometimes he can be seen standing on the edge of things that could hurt him, like darkness or the moving bridges of Whirlpool of Goals.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Aidan doesn't really have any skills that help him in Dark Halls. While he can cook well, eating here isn't needed to survive, so it only serves as a treat to others or an icebreaker. He can't fight and his stamina is average. The only thing that he's good at here is barter. He always liked the marketplaces where one could haggle with shopkeepers.


Religious Views

While not a believer in any faith, Aidan was always fascinated to learn about the beliefs, stories, and traditions of other people, soaking the knowledge about them up like a sponge. After the sacrifice, he is warier of religions, though it is people that he is more scared of than their beliefs.

Social Aptitude

He was the type of person who could go to a party where he didn't know anyone and make at least a dozen new friends. Confident enough that no one questioned him when he did something he wasn't supposed to. Loving to plan events for other people, and overwork himself, just to see their happy faces.


He has a nice low voice that gets a little rumbly when he goes towards the lower tones. It's easy to assume that he read many books from the way that he speaks. There's a pleasant melody to his voice when he gets excited. He likes to use flowery language, but if he notices that the one he speaks to doesn't understand him or finds it annoying, he'll quickly start to talk normally.
Current Location
Date of Birth
12th of September
Intensely light green to the point where they almost seem to shine, even in low light.
Black, cascading down. The hair reaches just above his shoulder blades. No facial hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, slightly tanned on arms, face, and legs.
174 cm
Bisexual, he finds both men and women attractive. The only relationship he was in was with ██████, though he had many crushes before.


He graduated from Anthropology courses with a Bachelor's degree and was in his first year of courses in Social and Cultural Anthropology toward the Master's degree. Before that, he chose the humanistic courses at both his middle school and high school.  


He grabbed a few smaller, short-term jobs while studying. He worked in customer service, as a librarian, and in a post office as a sorter. He planned to look for something more permanent after he'd finished studying.  

What he lost to darkness

  • Names of his grandmother, cousins, many friends, his girlfriend, and his best friend
  • Some of his facial hair - he shaves it since then
  • Two wisdom teeth
  • The little finger on his right hand
Aidan, little Aidan,
Marked by its symbols,
Betrayed by your friends,
And left all alone.   Oh, what will you do,
When it'll come to take what's its,
The two Green Suns hiding on your face.
Oh, what will you do?

Cover image: Aidan by Revyera


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