Spiritually infused coal
Since the fall of The Curtain caused by the Lords resulted in material and spiritual world merging together, a lot of the resources gained new properties or enhance the already existing ones based on stories and beliefs related to them. And so, a single piece of coal became more powerful, bringing more light, and warmth than ever before. But its fumes became more toxic, enough so that burning it is a sure way to quickly attract spirits related to pollution.
Where to find it
Depending on the location, finding coal might range from relatively easy to almost impossible. Old houses that were heated up by burning it in a furnace, coal power plants, and steam-powered trains will always have some of it inside them just because one could expect it there. On the other hand, finding it in a modernized city might prove quite a problem. When it comes to mines, it all depends on the state of the mine. If a mine was considered still rich in coal deposits, trying to exploit it completely will actually be impossible, with some more always found a little deeper.Physical characteristics
There is a slight difference between the normal coal and the one infused with spirits. When looking at it, one can notice that it looks as if two or more pieces of coal try to exist at the same time in the same place. It also seems darker than one would expect from one. It seems warm to the touch as if the heat was already inside it. In some cases, the embers might already be inside. In some desperate manners, one could use that glow as a light in the dark.
Common to Very Rare
So, normal coal turned into this infused coal? Or just some specific cases? If all turned into this, is it possible to have normal coal again?
Cool reads: Reaching the Meeraz | University of Delavar | Meeraz Morrow | Catoblepon's rambles
Since the two worlds are merged, all coal has changed into this coal. There could potentially be some of the old coal in a few unchanged places, but other than that, there's no way to get more normal coal.
So normal coal could be really expensive now!
Cool reads: Reaching the Meeraz | University of Delavar | Meeraz Morrow | Catoblepon's rambles