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Calendar and Time

The Exandrian calendar year is divided into 328 days, grouped into seven-day weeks over the course of eleven months. This calendar was originally established by the elves in an ancient age, and their names for the months and days of the week have stood the test of time.   The names of the seven days of the week are Miresen, Grissen, Whelsen, Conthsen, Folsen, Yulisen, and Da’leysen. Each day is 24 hours long.   Exandrian Calendar Month - Days - Holidays   Horisal - 29 - New Dawn (1st), Hillsgold (27th)   Misuthar - 30 - Day of Challenging (7th)   Dualahei - 30 - Renewal Festival (13th), Wild’s Grandeur (20th)   Thunsheer - 31 - Harvest’s Rise (11th), Merryfrond’s Day (31st)   Unndilar - 28 - Deep Solace (8th), Zenith (26th)   Brussendar - 31 - Artisan’s Faire (15th), Elvendawn (20th)   Sydenstar - 32 - Highsummer (7th), Morn of Largesse (14th)   Fessuran - 29 - Harvest’s Close (3rd)   Quen’pillar - 27 - Hazel Festival (10th), Civilization’s Dawn (22nd)   Cuersaar - 29 - Night of Ascension (13th)   Duscar - 32 - Barren Eve (2nd), Embertide (5th)       Seasons   Wildemount is a chilly continent — with the exception of the sunny, tropical Menagerie Coast — and each of the regions experiences the passing of the seasons differently.   Western Wynandir suffers from dismal, rainy springs and bitter winters. The Menagerie Coast enjoys a long, balmy summer, but must endure a vicious, typhoon-rich winter. The Biting North is always blanketed by snow, but temperatures drop to deadly lows in the winter, then let up for a rainy, relatively mild summer. Finally, Eastern Wynandir enjoys level, temperate weather all year long across its lowland regions, save for the cutting winds that rip across the plains in spring and autumn.       Holidays   The different nations of Wildemount celebrate different holidays, though some of the gods’ holy days are consistent across the land. Notably, the Dwendalian Empire has banned the worship of certain gods within its borders, and thus only celebrates the holidays of legal gods. These holy days are listed in chapter 1 of this book, along with the gods they celebrate.   Holidays unrelated to the gods celebrated across the continent in some form include:   Zenith. Summer begins at high noon on the 26th of Unndilar and is celebrated with games, displays of magic, and black powder fireworks.   Harvest’s Close. Autumn begins on the 3rd of Fessuran and is typically celebrated with feasting in rural regions and with carnivals in the cities.   Barren Eve. Winter’s longest night, the 2nd of Duscar, is a day of mourning for those lost in war. Come victory or ruin in the war between the Dwendalians and the Kryn, countless candles will be lit on the next Barren Eve.


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