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After joining the Crownsguard at an early age of thirteen, Arjhan went to Bladegarden to train and become a formidable fighter. After his three years of training, he decided to stay in the city and ended up becoming one of the trainers for those who wish to join the Crownsguard.   Arjhan enjoyed training but felt he could be used better and looked for new horizons. He travelled west towards the Cyrios Mountains and found himself in the small town of Gwardan. News of his former exploits reached the local council and upon their request, Arjhan began training the local Zhelezo, even becoming the personal guard to Ioun, a member of the ruling Noldar. As a gesture of thanking Arjhan for his work, the elves steamcast a special set of armour for him. He took a shine to a young elven fighter that was a part of the Zhelezo by the name of Virric Farspirit. The dragonborn spent time training Virric for battle and ultimately saw him as a son that he never had a chance to have, thanks to all those years dedicated to the Crownsguard.

After many years of moving around, he felt that finally found his new home.
Some time passed when some locals reported that one of the small rivers providing fresh water had dried up. A few who ventured to the Stonecage Cliffs where the water came from never returned.
The Noldar asked that Arjhan investigate what had occurred. The dragonborn agreed and took a number of of Zhelezo with him, and the young Virric also begged Arjhan to allow him to come along. Virric was the same age when Arjhan had joined the Crowsguard and knew how keen the boy was. He ultimately agreed for Virric to join their little adventure.   The small group followed the dried up river, through the Lushgut Forest and reached the Stonecage Cliffs. Dried lichen upon the smooth rock face revealed where the waterfall had once flowed. Strangely, they noticed that it felt unseasonably warm and dry here, the sun far too hot for that time of year. They continued further, climbing the dry cliff.
No sooner that they had reached the lip of the cliff, a monstrous creature appeared, as if waiting for them. From what little Arjhan could recall of it, it resembled a grotesque spider but the size of a hovel, and it moved quickly despite its size.
Before the Zhelezo could act, the monster spat a series of mucous globs which encased and ensnared the warriors.
Arjhan charged the monster head on but it batted him aside. Its forelegs ended with small yet sharp looking pincers, and one struck deep into the dragonborn's shoulder, pinning him to the ground. Arjhan felt not only the hot pain in his shoulder, but heat seemed to emanate from the foul creature itself.
The spider monster's foul orifice that was its mouth was about enclose around his head when Virric managed to break out of the mucous and struck the monster with his sword. Black, gruelly blood sloshed to the ground and the monster reared up, squealing. As it landed it fell upon Virric in a frenzy, its forelegs repeatedly stabbing through the boy's chest.
Arjhan recovered, and with a thundercrack, a bolt of lightning erupted from his mouth. It struck the massive body of the monster and it withdrew, screeching. The burning pain in his shoulder threatened overcame Arjhan's senses, but saw in a blur how the spider continued to retreat. Arjhan stumbled forward, waving his glaive half blindly at it, but the monster grabbed the ensnared Zhelezo and disappeared beyond the lip of the cliff. The dragonborn kept advancing in pain but as he reached the cliff face and looked down, there was no trace of the monster or his other comrades.
  He hurried back to Virric, dropped to his knees and held the convulsing boy. Virric could not breathe, blood drenching his shredded tunic and spluttering from his mouth. His strained eyes stared pleadingly at Arjhan, but the weeping dragonborn could do nothing. Virric's fight then stopped, his eyes glazed over and a chill wind swept over them. Arjhan's tears trickled down his rugged face and then fell into a shallow stream of water.
The river flowed again.
Arjhan had returned home, assailed by the feelings of being lost and a failure. He felt ever more angry at the world.
Yet an elderly cleric that tended to his wound saw the dragonborn's anguish. The cleric explained not only the way of the world but the mercy of the gods. The gods would turn his anguish into purpose, if only he would let them. The Dragon God, Bahamut. was the deity of Honour and Justice, and sought to protect the meek from evil. Arjhan found solace in Bahamut and vowed to protect those he cared about and defend however he could. In his chest he felt a surge of affirmation as a higher power responded to his vow.
Arjhan would find the Zhelezo and end the monster's threat.   He left his home of Gwardan and started investigating any rumours from local folk regarding the spider beast or strange hot weather that it seemed to cause. The small village of Crenda now stood in front of him and Arjhan wondered if he was getting a step closer to the spider beast.   With a stern purpose in mind and heart, the dragonborn set forth.

The Character

18 (-4)
7 (-2)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
12 (+1)
14 (+2)
  • Race Dragonborn, Blue
  • Class Paladin(lv III)
  • Languages Common, Draconic
  • Proficiencies Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Religion, Wisdom (Saving Throw), Charisma (Saving Throw) Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields, Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons
20th Duscar 705 PD, Dwendalian Empire



Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon

Gwardan, Elf City-State

Portents of Prophecy

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