History of Exandria in Wildemount | World Anvil
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History of Exandria

From the firework display in Crenda:   The Founding: In Act I, you see the world that was, made of fire and jagged rock. The Gods arrived the seven colours of the rainbow illuminating them as they contemplated the potential of this place. A huge explosion shows the creation of the elves as applause rings from parts of the crowd. From within this image the form of dwarves bursts and a raucous cheer erupts. Lastly hundreds of smaller fireworks explode around the image of the elves and dwarves, settling to show the forms of humans and the other races of the worlds.
The show continues to show the hardships faced by the gods creations, and how the gods took pity giving them gifts. Firstly the divine magics. You see Elves, Dwarves, and Humans using magic to help them tame the lands and create diverse cultures, but the gods saw they remained fragile. So they created the guardians.
The first protectors, the metallic dragons roar across the skies.
But.. some didn't wish to be 'tamed', some didn't wish to be 'protected', some... fought the peace. The images darken to show the primordials rise from deep below the surface of the world. Demonic visions destroying the gods creations as they watched on.   After a break, Act II begins showing the Age of Arcanum: The story tells of a world in turmoil as many people in exandria become arrogant with their powers. Many began to believe the gods held no sway over them, shunning their faith in favour of developing their own powers. Mages continued to grow in power and you see the visions of the wonderous and dangerous new creatures bought into creation. As mages made their changes for good and bad Pride, Greed and Envy gained power and greater influence. Eventually one mage turned to the banished gods and freed them from their prisons, turning them loose upon the mortal world.
Unable to watch any longer the gods themselves girded for war and descended from the heavens to battle alongside their children.

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