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We begin in Exandria on the 25th of Unndilar 835PD.   Two armies clash on a fog-shrouded battlefield, heralded by the sound of trumpets and drums on one side, and by an eerie, chirping whistle like countless thousands of wailing crickets on the other. A raven, its black feathers spattered with blood, alights on one of the fallen corpses and gently raps its beak on the soldier’s helmet. The raven looks up, curious, and flies into the sky. A land embroiled in war expands beneath it, and yet, within the shroud of conflict, the raven sees twinkling pockets of light.   The raven sees souls that shine bright with courage, kindness, and determination. It sees souls lustrous with greed, fear, and anger. And most of all, it sees souls radiating with a desire to discover their place in the world. The raven sees Wildemount.   Flying beyond the expansive desert wastes of Xhorhas the lands of Eastern Wildemount filled with all manor dangerous creatures and scorching deserts and home of the enigmatic Kryn Dynasty. The bird flies to the west and into the heart of Wildemount the heartland known as Wynandir which is home to the Dwendalian Empire The raven soars over a massive city, sprawling outward from a somber, monolithic palace. Soldiers and war machines pour from the city, stretching across the land like innumerable grasping arms, greedily encircling the continent. The raven notes this hungry behemoth and alters course.   Westward flies the herald of the Raven Queen. It bursts through the clouds above the western mountains and emerges into a land blessed by sun. A sea of lush jungle stretches out beneath the raven, until eventually green gives way to golden sand, and then to a boundless, sapphire sea. Ships swarm on that sea like a cloud of gnats, engulfed by flames and the sound of cannon fire.