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Saevel Olaran

Saevel Olaran (a.k.a. Golden Boy)

Saevel Olaran was born five minutes ahead of his twin sister Lucine and never will let her forget this. Naturally gifted the ways of speech, writing and music at a young age his parents made sure to get him a teacher that could help harness those skills for good rather than mischief. He has learned much and come far under the tutelage of Layla Denwallop even after the loss of his parents. His mischievous nature still remains and guides him but its tempered more by his yearning for great stories.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall elf on the slimmer side, Saevel isn't particularly gifted in means of brute strength. His frame would be described as slight or slender though quite attractive and yes, he do got that booty.

Body Features

Saevel has quite excellent posture which combined with his personality can often make him seem taller than he is. He is a very expressive and also often talks with his hands when he is more relaxed. However, when he is more seriously trying to accomplish something this over the top motions cease.

Facial Features

Saevel is quite skilled in reading the body language of others and responding to this. This skill has helped him develop his own rather stoic poker face which aids him in his deceptive abilities.

Identifying Characteristics

His most identifying feature is by far the winning smile that lights up his face. The signature grin is just faintly crooked with a pleasant ease to it whether he's eliciting a discount or simply making a new friend, or disarming a potential enemy.

Physical quirks

Saevel is a bit of a neat freak and actually can become quite distressed by dirt. He's always checking his own appearance more often than others probably notice, and his two most used spells are prestidigitation and mending to make sure he is in tip top shape appearance wise.

Apparel & Accessories

Saevel wears a stark white shirt with a beautiful lilac and spring green brocade best

A soon to be famous author and wordsmith with a passion for storytelling and musical pursuits. He may be a bit of a flirt but his passion for party member Jade is what truly guides him... right?

Character Location
View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
10th of Misuthar
Pale Green
Spun Gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soft Pale

We've Saved the Sweet's Life

Future Story To Come

Dark Portal

Future Story To Come

Creepy Crawlies

Future Story To Come

Light of Sehanine

Future Story to Come

Arms of the Betrayers

Future Story to Come

Call to Adventure

Future Story Writing To Come


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