Death Curse

Global phenomenon that started approximately a month ago. The Death Curse is slowly draining the life from everyone on the planet who has ever been Resurrected by magical or divine means. Some of the weaker individuals who were afflicted have already perished. Stronger victims of the curse are surviving longer, but all showing signs of their life force dwindling away. Complicating matters even more is since the curse started, all attempts to bring a soul back from Death have failed.   Many powerful and influential individuals in the world have personal and professional reasons to stop the curse. A staggering amount of resources and manpower has been thrown into discovering the source of the Death Curse and A few individuals have successfully discovered clues to the Death Curse's source. A powerful and evil artifact located deep into the jungles of Chult called The Soul Monger. Many powerful adventurers have been dispatched to this remote and unexplored land in a last minute attempt to thwart the Death Curse. so far all have failed and not returned.


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