Port Nyanzaru

This port city hugs the coast in the northern most end of the Bay of Chult. No other city exists in Chult, along the coast or anywhere else. Until just recently, Port Nyanzaru was isolated from the rest of Exandria for close to 100 years due to the lost knowledge of safe passage through the Deep Row Reef which was just recently rediscovered in the last year by traders from Port Damali.   Left to their own rule for a century, Port Nyanzaru fell under control of the seven most wealthy Chultan traders who became the influential Merchant Princes. The Merchant Princes have ruled Port Nyanzaru with a firm but fair hand for decades, dividing areas of commerce among their seven various spheres of influence.   Despite its isolation, Port Nyanzaru has flourished under the rule of the Merchant Princes. It remains the only bastion of civilization and commerce in a savage and mysterious land. It is a colorful, musical, aroma-filled, vibrant city in it's own right that has openly welcomed the arrival of new trade and tourists alike.   Up until passage through the Deep Row Reef was rediscovered, the weekly Dinosaur Races were the most lucrative event in Port Nyanzaru. The most prestigious event being the dangerous "Unchained" race that often draws wagers of princely sums . Now that sea trade has resumed again for the first time in a hundred years, the amount of business and cash that moves through the city would make the richest merchants anywhere in the world jealous.   The friendly and welcoming disposition of Port Nyanzaru natives belies a hardness developed from years of being surrounded on all sides by danger. The jungles outside of the port city are teeming with dangerous beasts and even more dangerous Undead that have plagued the peninsula for years. The new influx of adventurers in search of treasure are in for many dangers if they dare to explore the wilds outside the relative safety of Port Nyanzaru.


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