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Barthen‘s Provisions

Barthen’s is the biggest trading post in Phandalin. Its shelves stock most ordinary goods and supplies, including backpacks, bedrolls, rope, and rations. The place is open from sunup to sundown. Barthen’s does not stock weapons or armor, but characters can purchase other adventuring gear here, with the exception of items that cost more than 25 gp. (For prices, see “Adventuring Gear” in the Basic Rules.) Characters in need of weapons or armor are directed to the Lionshield Coster (see that section).
The proprietor is Elmar Barthen, a lean and balding human male shopkeeper of fifty years with a kindly manner. He employs a couple of young clerks (Ander and Thistle), who help load and unload wagons and who wait on customers when Barthen isn’t around.

  Delivering the Supplies. If the characters began play with the “Meet Me in Phandalin” adventure hook, their orders are to deliver the wagon of supplies to Barthen’s. Barthen pays the agreed amount (10 gp to each character) and takes possession of the wagon and its supplies. If the characters tell him of Gundren Rockseeker’s capture, Barthen is saddened by the news and encourages the party to find and rescue the dwarf. He considers Gundren a friend and was excited by talk of discovering the lost mine of the Phandelver’s Pact in the nearby hills. If the party hasn’t already learned details of the mine from Sildar Hallwinter, a character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check can relate the information from the first two paragraphs of the “Background” section at the start of the adventure.

  Barthen also mentions that two more Rockseeker brothers, Nundro and Tharden, are camped somewhere outside town. Barthen hasn’t seen them in a tenday and expects the brothers to return “any day now” to resupply. What Barthen doesn’t know is that Tharden is dead and Nundro is a prisoner in the mine. See part 4, the “Wave Echo Cave” section, for more information.

  Barthen’s News. If the characters ask Barthen how business is going, the shopkeeper tells them that the Redbrands are making it hard on everyone, shaking down local businesses and flouting the townmaster’s authority. If the characters seem of a mind to do something about it, he tells them that the Redbrands frequent the Sleeping Giant tap house.
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