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Hamun Kost

Kost is a stout, red-robed figure with sallow skin, a shaved scalp, and a black tattoo on his forehead. A character who succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check recognizes Kost’s tattoo as a necromantic symbol. A successful DC 10 Intelligence (History) check verifies the garb as that usual for Thay, a land far to the east where wizards pattern their flesh with tattoos. The tattoo on the head represents a wizard’s school of magic. Kost’s school is necromancy.   If any character attempts to talk to Kost, even by calling out a greeting or answering his questions during combat, he temporarily calls off his zombies. The Red Wizard is not particularly aggressive, and he is willing to strike a deal that advances his interests at the same time it helps the characters.   Kost stays tight-lipped about the reason for his presence in the region. He is, however, willing to provide information the party needs if it does a favor for him. If the characters give Kost some indication of what they want, he shares one or both of these requests:   He wants the orcs at Wyvern Tor removed, since they have scouted out his camp and seem inclined to cause trouble.   He wants to ask a question of Agatha the banshee: “What is the name of the wizard who built the tower at Old Owl Well?” Kost won’t risk the banshee’s anger, but the characters could ask the question for him. (Agatha knows the name: Arthindol.)
What Hamun knows:
  • Acererak fought the Circle of Eight 24 years ago - he knows that the circle dissolved but doesn't know about specifics other than Mordenkainen's fate
  • He was Mordenkainens pupil for a few weeks, before that fight happened, he knows about his personality and his connections to the other eight
  • He can get the characters access to Candlekeep
  • Knows about Acererak and his motives - is scared shitless by him

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