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King Harbromm

Harbromm was a forthright man and steadfast ruler, who was wholly dedicated to the safety of his people. He was an exceptional strategist and a master-level smith. He knew his destiny was tied to an extraordinary war that would later arise with the orc hordes of the North. The king sought to strengthen citizens of Citadel Adbar so that they were ready for any fight put forth before the kingdom. While Citadel Adbar was besieged by a number of fighting forces, King Harbromm personally led the Knights of the Mithral Shield in battle.   King Harbromm who died together with his bodyguard Ragnar in an assault by Frost Giants - at least to it seems.   In reality no Frost Giants were involved in Ragnars Death. Corrupt dwarven Elders in Citadel Adbar staged the assault and afterwards made it look like the murder was done by Frost Giants - even killing some Frost Giants to place them near the ambush site. This ploy was set in motion to allow the village elders to seize control by means of a Doppelganger taking the place of Harbromm's son. The fact that Bromm - Harbromm's second son was killed by a dragon only made this easier.
Current Location
Circumstances of Death

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