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Player Character - played by Eric



A half-elf named Nym without a last name.   Is a travelling street performer, improving his juggling performance with bursts of sparks or glowing spheres with Prestidigitation or Lightspheres.   Met Mireia's character somewhere on the road and they got on quite well. His performances attract a crowd and Mireia's character picks their pockets. Then they go drinking.   He the seventh son of the seventh son in the seventh generation. So in theory he should have a big family, but he has never met any of them. He was taken from his family when he was a baby, when a local cult heard that the gods took an interest in him. Or at least that is what the old woman who raised him told him among many other possible explanations of his origins. Some more adventurous than others depending on the day. Her name was Margaret. She did not tell him though, where he was originally from or what happened after the cult took him. She did teach him a lot of different languages, that she seemed to speak perfectly, and how to channel a bit of magic.   Margaret had this book, bound in dark leather, at the top of a shelf with a lock around it. He was not supposed to go near it. The pages looked very old.   One day, Margaret went out for a while and Nym took the opportunity he had been waiting for. He had gotten close to the book before in unsupervised moments, it almost seemed surrounded by shadows, somehow there never seemed to be enough light in its vicinity. But he had never managed to open the lock and take a peek inside.   What's the worst that could happen? He took out a some tools that he had fashioned himself and started working on the lock, but before he could do much, the lock clicked open and the book lay there in front of him. He had the feeling that he could hear whispers, but that must have been the wind outside catching some leaves of the trees in the forest behind the house. He opened the book and... it was empty. All the pages were just old and blank paper... what was even the point of it, he wondered and closed it again, desappointed.   He put it back on the shelf. Somehow though, the space around it seemed lighter/brighter than before, but that must have just been his imagination.   That night, he had snuck out to listen to a famous story teller that was rumoured to be at the inn. A shadow creature visited the nearby village that Margaret and he would visit to buy food and listen to music at the local inn, when there were travelling bards in town. There were no survivors but him. The creature had looked at him for a moment towering over him like night itself and then it had continued to pursue the townspeople while he ran.   When he arrived home, Margaret had not offered any explanations. They had packed some things together and soon thereafter joined a travelling circus. She would do fortune telling and he would juggle and perform small magic tricks.   When he was about 17 he was caught with the circus managers daughter and had to run away. Since then he has been travelling from town to town making a living with odd jobs and street performances. Still looking over his shoulder on moonless nights for shadows that seem out of place.  

What Nym is not aware of

Nym has been protected by Margaret from the truth of his origin. His parents did not abandon him and he also was not taken from them - his parents were powerful archmages that fought against Acererak as part of the Circle of Eight and were killed in battle. His parents were the Archmage of Transmutation Tenser and the Archmage of Abjuration Mialee. Margaret is also not who she appears to be but rather the Archmage of Divination Alustriel Silverhand - as a last dying wish from her friend Mialee she has vowed to take care of Nym.   Alustriel also took with her the book that Acererak was imprisoned in and hid in Conyberry, protected apparently by her powers of Divination - making it nearly impossible to find her from the outside, even by the most powerful agents of Acererak. She also assumed the form of "Margaret", an unasuming looking old woman who lived in a cottage near Conyberry.   What she did not account for was Nyms personal curiosity - him opening the book without any procautions realeased Acererak not just on Conyberry - which no one in the town besides Nym survived - but also on the larger world.
Parents (Adopting)
Aligned Organization

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