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Sister Garaele

Sister Garaele is a young acolyte in service to the Temple of Luck to Tymora in Phandalin. She is a zealous young elf with platinum blond hair to the shoulder. She is the main figure of religion in the town and a devout worshiper of Tymora, the Goddess of Luck. After advising the party at a number of occasions, it was later alleged that she had an ulterior motive for doing so, being a member of the Harpers.

Sister Garaele is a member of the Harpers, a scattered network of adventurers and spies who advocate equality and covertly oppose the abuse of power. The Harpers gather information throughout the land to thwart tyrants and any leader, government, or group that grows too strong. They aid the weak, the poor, and the oppressed. Sister Garaele regularly reports to her superiors on events in and around Phandalin.

Sister Garaele is a young elf woman who is always seen wearing the traditional robes and garments of an acolyte. She has shoulder length hair of a platinum blond colour and can always be counted upon to have a soft smile on her face. She is of average height and weight for an elf, which is to say she is a little slender than a regular human but not by much.
Current Location
Current Residence
Dark Grey
Long platinum gold hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grayish pale
Aligned Organization

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