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Prior to the creation of this world, the multiverse was chaos and violence. Divine beings numbering in the hundreds battled amongst themselves for domain over the many portfolios of their “father” Ao, the Creator of All. As they clashed across the emptiness, the sparks they left behind coalesced into the worlds of the Material Plane. As the last living divinities gazed upon the new creation, they began to covet it. One last, great battle occurred. Left standing were about 60 true gods, and each laid claim to some part of creation. Some claimed regions of worlds, others claimed ideals, and some even claimed favor over the newly formed races that sprung up from the ground itself. These remaining deities called the first of these new worlds Ao in remembrance of their father, who detached himself from the universe out of sadness for his children’s actions. The vanquished beings were either destroyed or banished, long lost to memory. So ended the First War.   The year is 4914, counted from the conclusion of the War. Clashes now occur between mortals devoted to deities still bitter from ages ago, the followers of mighty siblings warring in their benefactors’ stead. However, the pantheon of Ao has remained the same for almost five millennia.   The adventurers find themselves in the realm of Winderia, the piece of Ao claimed by Mystra, the Mother of All Magic. Upon the completion of the First War, Mystra took a small piece of her spirit and embedded it into the land of Winderia. This act created eight powerful wellsprings spread across the realm, each one drawing power from one of the eight facets of Mystra’s arcane magic: abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation. These wellsprings were sources of great power, and around them grew eight city-states of Winderia. Over time, the people formed the ninth city-state — Mystryl, named after the patron deity. This final city-state brought balance to the great arcane power of the realm, and it serves as the political capital of Winderia.   Under Mystra’s favor, Winderia has grown into a powerful and influential realm in Ao despite its relative seclusion. Arcane magic is revered and has led the people to great pursuits of learning and science, more so than the rest of Cüro. Additionally, the spirit Mystra embedded into the land created a unique birthright to her people: innate arcane power. Almost every humanoid born in Winderia possesses some natural arcane ability. However, magic is still regulated to ensure it is not abused. Misuse of magic is dealt with swiftly and sternly. Magic in Ao will remain in balance, and the people of Winderia must model that to others.

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