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Aura and Semblances Part 3

I was under the impression that they stole the dust to raise the prices, ruining the supply and demand to mess with the economy that is reliant on the stuff. with "dust prices through the roof (Roman Torchwick V2E1)" the seeds of tension are sown as people’s lives are made that much harder and the military is weakened because of the shortage (not that it was good to begin with), unless they requisitioned the dust for Ironwoods troops (that went Order 66 on everyone) or the huntsmen (that earned everyone's mistrust). It's also possible that the dust was used as explosives to open the city to the grimm in V2E11 with the rest used by the WF for the following attack (that was postponed to V3E9 because of RWBY and Dr. Oobleck).   In WtS, Maiden powers are just another Semblance rather than “magic”. 4 Sisters developed a Semblance that allowed them to become one with the weather. The Old Wizard isn’t part of this story. Heck if they wanted, they could have foreshadowed the maidens and the relics by having the girls find the story about the maidens either in the library or by simply having their team bonding. Blake may talk about books and she and Ruby would talk about the Fairy Tales that they know just like their talk during the night before the initiation.   Have the Grimm be such a threat that Remnant is like Psycho Pass, where people who experience too much negativity are shunned by society.   Dust, Aura and Grimm are all part of what is called the “Unified Dust Theory”. This theory suggests that Aura is the life energy that exist within all sentient life forms. Only humans and faunus are intelligent/physically-able enough to be able to actually weaponize Aura. The two known methods of unlocking one’s aura is by either through meditation or by having an experienced aura user unlock it manually. This life energy also carries with it both the positive emotions and negative emotions of the user. Of course, plants don’t have feelings so they are not able to do this, which is how scientist concluded that aura is not made out of emotions. Aura has what is called “Dust particles”, which are numerous nanoparticles made of the same properties that Dust is made of. If a person has mastered their own life energy enough, either through intense physical training, meditation, reaching spiritual enlightenment, or a traumatic event, then they are able to manipulate their very soul and turn it into a physical force. This is known as a Semblance. When a person dies, their soul leaves their body but their aura still lingers long after their death. When enough people’s aura gather together, they are split into 2 ways. All of the collected positive energy gathers and crystallises into Dust, while all of the negative energy gathers to create Grimm. This is why the Grimm are so fixated on killing humans, because the chaos caused by the Grimm will create more Grimm, which will create more chaos. The “Unified Dust theory” is the most widely accepted theory on the subject by the people of Remnant. It’s also what gave birth to the phrase, “Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust”. Because of everything listed above, Dust has a very symbolic and spiritual meaning. So much so, that the Hunter’s Creed is “ May today’s sacrifice become tomorrow's salvation.” Lately, due to the commercialisation of Dust, this worldview has become old-fashioned, but many people still do respect this at some level.   Scientist and philosophers have debated as to whether this means that a person’s semblance is determined by nature or nurture, as there have been cases where the dust nanoparticles in a person’s aura have been shown to change or stay the same before or even after someone’s semblance was activated. because of this, doctors routinely do check ups on a person’s aura, to see of any changes or anomalies. this is important because it is able to tie dust, grimm, aura and semblances into one magic system, as well as tie the spiritual side of remnant with it’s technological and scientific side. “aura mutations” have been known to occur, as is the case with the schnee family, which has born the same semblance for many generations.   Dust is split into 14 different types, with all Semblances being categorized into one of these types, while each different Grimm species are made of and are attracted to only one type of negative emotions and then tie character growth/development into fighting and overcoming your enemy. Ya feeling lonely?here's a ghost Grimm, ya feeling jealous? Here's a snake. ALSO BUILD A FUCKING WALL AROUND THE KINGDOMS. This is how scientist theorize that each Dust type is made out of one specific positive emotion, with an alchemist having to pour that specific emotion from their aura into the alchemical object in order to become Dust. Because Dust is a finite resource and literal fossil fuel, Dust shortage will become a real issue in Remnant. Show how Dust shapes the world, don't just forget about it.   I feel like it would also help if certain dusts were rarer than others instead of just all being in abundance. Like fire and ice dust being the cheapest and most used because there's just so much more of it. Your right when saying there are super op dusts that I wonder why everyone isn't using because of how powerful they are. But I'm faulting that to rwbys poor worldbuilding in terms of the supply and demand of their resources. Dust can come in various forms, such as powder form, liquid form, crystalized form. People can inject Dust into themselves by using a medicine vial. Dust seemed to have been build-up to be way more significant in the beginning but it never goes anywhere.   Semblances are limited to what is called a “Soul Limit”. It’s an aspect of the soul that is so integral that it has to be abided by until the soul, and thus the Semblance changes. For example, Blake is a coward so her clones can only push her backwards. Ruby has no fear of death and runs headlong into danger so she can only run forward. If either of them try to run forward or backwards respectively then their Semblance will fail automatically and they’ll land on their butts. Schnee Summonings are limited to one type of Grimm that embodies that Schnee the closest. For Weiss, she can only summon Nevermores because they embody loneliness( team kills count so she can summon the Nevermore from V1). Initially, the Schnee summoner will have a hard time trying to control their summoned Grimm from going berserk, and have to pacify their bloodlust with the summoner’s sheer willpower. Summoning is the Schnee Semblance, the snowflake glyphs are purely cosmetic and can be done by those not related to the Schnees.Yang can only absorb a limited amount of potential energy into her hair before it has to be released into kinetic energy. This is why she has her hair long so she can absorb as much potential energy as possible. Too much energy and it can damage Yang.   Wide as an Ocean. Shallow as a Puddle. Why the "Weird Magic" excuse doesn't work. Fucking birds dude.   So I thought I'd vent my thoughts on a particular aspect of this. That being:   Remnant only has 1 hunderedish people on the whole planet and most of them are lifeless husks.   How does this relate to birds you ask?   It comes back to a statement from V5 commentary about how the shapeshifting ability gifted to Qrow and Raven (with no downsides) is "weird magic."   My general response to this is summed up rather well by /u/jaytriqz here   The whole "weird magic" explanation makes no sense because they literally have not explained the rules of magic to us. Fucking hell, they haven't explained any of their systems and they had to retcon aura in order to tiptoe around doing fight scenes to kill people.   Like... Qrow can literally alter the metaphysical concept of "luck", but transforming into an animal is considered weird?   But besides the obvious. I wanted dig into why the idea itself, fails monumentally within the world M&K have constructed.   So let's talk about the points that utterly debunk the idea that Transformation is "weird"   1. Semblances. Everyone on Remnant is confirmed to have a unique semblance. Within the potentially hundreds of millions to billions of people it's quite frankly absurd that a transformation semblance would not pop up. We even have one in the series.   Ruby Rose possesses the ability to transform herself into rose petals (yes it is transformation you can clearly see her split and reform by the petal with each group of roses creating a part of her.) This by far and away is more drastic than Qrow, Raven's ability. Transmuting the different parts of her body into identical entities that she retains consciousnesses within and control of that can reform at any time. With amount of excess petals Ruby can create the girl is theoretically immortal. As any identical petal can be used to form a different part of her body. Such an ability isn't even blinked at. But birds?   Nevermind Qrow being a low level reality warper. Weiss fucking with time. You get the point.   2. The concept of "magic" isn't even new to normal people on Remnant. Ruby: So these... Maidens... They're powerful fighters that don't need Dust to use magic.   So dust is magic. Magic is literally a part of everyday life on Remnant.   3. Mythology Remnant cleanly has a very active Mythology. With multiple prominent and widely know fairy tales and religions. The idea of magic and by extension transformation especially considering Grimm and Faunus and Grimm existing is a given. Especially due to.   4. Ozpin "We encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity" This one line. The basis of Remnant society itself, single handedly blows the idea of "Birds" being weird away.   Let's take a moment to appreciate what this line represents. Remnant is a world of creativity and ingenuity. The arts and expression through the arts flourish here. And it's here that the idea of birds being weird dies. And to realise how we only need look at our own world.   Type in transformation or werewolves or vampires into FF or AoO or Tumbl......... on second thoughts don't do that last one.   But you get the point. Even in our own (comparatively) mundane world. The idea of transformations and magic, is quite common. It saturates our books, tv, movies, myths, company logos etc etc etc. Even with the idea of discussing and featuring these being considered taboo until the last century of our world these kinds of stories are everywhere   Now look at Remnant. A world where they "encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity". A world where literature flourishes and the idea of positivity through expression literally keeps the monsters away. A world where magic is common place, monsters do exist, all the animals from earth are (presumably) there as well and to top it all off   5. The Faunus The idea of transformation being so far out of left field is destroyed by the supposed existence of "Faunus Racism". Even a casual look at Roman calling the faunus "animals" (which according to the V2 commentary is supposed to be a common viewpoint) it falls apart. To realise what this means we only need look at our own history. Let's pick something out of the air. How about Black people being referred to as apes?   The core aspect of derogatory racism, especially the supposed rampant kind that's on Remnant is dehumanisation. When faced with a race with literal dammed animal parts of them what do you think people will jump too?   "I heard a man was cursed to be part animal and then it just spread"   "They're all animals. I heard some can even turn into them"   These types of theories and opinion would be rampant.   And here we come back to the title of this thread.   6. Wide as an Ocean. Shallow as a puddle. The purpose of fiction. At it's core, is the idea of immersion. In the case of genres like fantasy and adventure stories this extends to the world itself. Transporting us to Westeros or Middle Earth, a Galaxy Far Far Away, to Amestris or Exandria.   The settings these stories take place in are just as important as the story itself. The world informs the story. And for all the vibrant mains you can write. It ultimately won't matter if they occupy a dull and lifeless world.   And here we have Remnant. A dull and lifeless world. Nothing seems to happen or occur without the main cast in proximity. Not only within the series itself but throughout it's entire timeline.   This speaks to a lack of planning and depth in the writing.   M&K went as far as : Racism exists against the animal people.   And didn't think about how this would actually affect the world and the people in it.   This is where the idea of "birds" falls flat. Right out the gate in the first few seconds of it being envisioned.   "Bird magic is weird"   Okay why? Why in this supposedly vibrant world of creativity, magic, aura, semblances, animal people and gods. World turning into a bird even register? And right there, not 15 seconds after it's proposal, "birds" should have died on the cutting room floor.   Remnant should be world full of living and breathing people that have been doing and accomplishing things for thousands of years before the story for RWBY began. How they create, destroy and what experience, should inform the world and what occurs in it.   But it just doesn't. Because Remnant is not a world. It's hundred people, the majority of which are empty husks. So when the world and these people are on the line we are left asking:   Who cares?   RWBY casts an ocean wide net in terms of the subjects it wishes to or pretends to touch. But it has never taken it any further than "hey this is a thing" and moves on. There is no depth.   (A way to solve this is to have a scene where an authority figure asks one of the kid heroes what the strongest historical figures they know could do with their Semblances. They talk about how awesome their heroes were and the authority figure simply nods, and says that “yes they were impressive but even they had limits”, and then goes on to list what they couldn’t do and how the Maidens can do those things.)   A consistent issue with RWBY is that the supernatural concepts in Remnant don't seem present in its actual worldbuilding. It's mostly just earth with other stuff thrown on top. Cosmetics rather than narrative.   So then when the writing sporadically remembers to try and have characters interact with or react to the worldbuilding their behavior tends to become rife with inconsistency.   It's a world where negative emotions can attracts monsters.   And yet the media is constantly broadcasting bad news seemingly without any of the positive spin or "only watch if you can keep your shit together"-methodology that such a society might logically develop.   Ren's dad can see three bullies group up on the starving orphan who just appeared straight out of a Dickens-novel... And for some reason doesn't go "holy shit you little fucks apologize right now don't you know that this is how we get Grimm?"   It's a world where dedicating enough time towards soul-searching and training can grant individuals with a shield that protects them from harm and their own supposedly unique superpower.   That sort of phenomenon should irrevocably change the way a society operates on fundamental levels. And yet we've never seen even a tangential occurence of a non-combatant who use their semblance for... Y'know, life. A career or something. Has no one ever been like "I wanna try and discover my unique superpower" and then realized they had a semblance that could be more useful or profitable or fun outside of the huntsman/villain professions?   When a strange occurence happens, like Yang seeing something that didn't happen, we get loads of people saying things like "either you're lying or you're crazy." But apparently no one is present enough in the world they all live in to at least float the possiblity "hey maybe you were affected by somebody's semblance? Y'know one of those unique superpowers it's possible anyone might have?"   There's a reason that "is this the work of an enemy Stand?" became a standard, semi-memeish question in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Because that's logical worldbuilding. If you lived in a world where anyone might have a unique power, you would bring that up as a potential cause whenever something strange happened around you.   It's a world where aura exists.   And yet V1 Blake still tries to hold Roman Torchwick hostage by holding a blade near his throat (and he behaves the way a person would if they were actually in danger of getting their throat slit) even though she will moments later be swinging that blade full force at him without breaking the skin.   And the list of jarring worldbuilding/behavior could go on for soo much longer. It's a world where Pyrrha's success as a tournament-fighter is supposedly bolstered by the fact that her opponents don't know her semblance, but it's also a world where the announcers of a tournament might just loudly declare what a participant's semblance is without that being deemed a breach of ethics. And it's also a world where she'll openly use that semblance to control a ton of soda cans in front of unknown Haven-students and countless massive windows.   What I'm getting at is that RWBY is an inconsistent mess that doesn't know what to do with the concepts it presents.

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