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Wandering Hot Springs

I paid a fortune for a trip to these hot springs! Now where the hell are they?!
It is more of a bizzare phenomenon than an area, in my opinion. Regions are not supposed to move after all, no matter how much those geologists speak of changes in underground waters and other movements of the world. Hot springs are supposed to stay still!   Hard to argue that the place sure is changing fast though. Expanding beyond its borders, sprouting new hot springs every year in the dozens. Give it a few more decades and the whole region will be nothing but hot springs and tourists. Until it completely vanishes one day, of course.


Hot springs are believed to be immensely good for your health, yet nothing seems to survive for too long near them. Is that not a bit of a paradox? Although the same thing could be said about my mother's cooking.   All animals migrate away from the path of the Wandering Hot Springs, and all plant life quickly withers in the vicinity. Something to do with the excessive amount of minerals and salts, or so I am told. The disappearance of local lifeforms is more than offset by an appearance of rich nobles and merchants, who consider the pasttime popular and prestigious. Entire wars and alliances are sometimes planned in one of the many summer houses built around the hot springs!

Ecosystem Cycles

The Wandering Hot Springs have started as merely a few small hot springs, and now they cover several the land many miles across. So should we be worried about them taking over the entire world? Not really.   Remember my phrase about the place eventually vanishing? Well, it was not some sort of hyperbola. There were several times in recorded history when Wandering Hot Springs appeared somewhere, spent decades growing and spreading, and then just disappeared overnight only to appear somewhere else soon after. At least geologists say it was the same hot springs, their waters are very special or something.   Then again, is it really the same hot springs? Even if the waters are the same, the hot springs themselves are new. And the region is different too, so there is nothing in common with the previous location. Oh well, such discussions are best left to the philosophers.

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Cover image: WorldAnvilCover_Location by Vertixico


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