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Writers' Asylum

A place to help writers focus on their books, or a place to keep all those weirdos contained?
So, have you ever thought about writing a book, a poem or a manual? If so, my advice - think again. Tedious and generally unrewarding career it is. And the moment you decide to sit down and start writing, the whole world will suddenly remember that they have myriads of nonsense questions to ask you. And all sorts of nonsense demands for you to fulfill.   Low and behold, the solution of all your problems! And the cause of a whole bunch of new ones. The Writers' Asylum is a secluded monastery in the mountains where no one can ever bother you, by the fact that it is nearly impossible to actually leave the place. Most people would not dare getting stuck inside for years in a company of hundreds half-mad writers.

Purpose / Function

Officially? Helping people focus on their literay efforts, fostering new writers styles and techniques, protecting people's right of self-expression from those who would wish to persecute and silence them. In practice? A place where ambitious go (or get sent) to be forever forgotten by the world en large.   Do not take me wrong, the monks are doing their best to help. They keep writers in a good shape, well-fed and with plenty of physical work out in the garden. They hold lessons and discussions in the rooms and gazebos throughout the abbey, and give honest feedback on anything written within the abbey's walls - except heresy, of course. The problem? You cannot leave the abbey until you fully realise your potential, as judged by the monks themselves.   Meaning that even if you write a book, you might not be able to leave. After all, you surely can do better than this, right? And you can finish that next book as well, do not give up! Who cares if it may take years or decades, such is the path you have chosen! For most writers, that means dying from old age inside the abbey's walls - or to have your dreams and hopes repeatedly crushed into dust to the point where even the monks give up on you, and be forcecd to leave in disgrace. Tough choice.


I guess you could through books and notebooks at the invaders? They definitely have enough of that stuff inside.


The Writers' Asylum was founded back in the good old days where beheading writers was a fun national sport in many corners of the world. Dangerous business, writing books about those with power and big ego. So many writers took to begging for refuge on sacred ground, and this small mountain monastery seemed like the best place for it. Two centuries later, the place is now a big and prosperous abbey that is about half monks and half writers - if you can even tell the difference, that is.
Owning Organization

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Cover image: WorldAnvilCover_Building by Vertixico


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