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22 - Reconciliation

The party began their session on the opposite bank of the Lake of Stewn, having survived several perilous trials. Tahir, a seasoned adventurer, erected a protective dome made of earth, while the others rested and recuperated.   As they sat around the campfire, the adventurers shared their experiences and reflected on their goals, origins, decision-making, and losses. Their conversation was cathartic, and each member gained a new perspective on their companions. With newfound respect, they resolved to journey through the desert, which Tahir assured them was the safest route to their destination.   On the first day of their trek, the blistering sun beat down on them relentlessly. Zelmar attempted to dig a hole for shelter, but instead, he stumbled upon a small beetle. Kauket swiftly killed it, unknowingly releasing a pheromone that attracted a swarm of beetles towards them. The party ran for their lives, with Zelmar leading the way. He stumbled and fell through the roof of an ancient ruin, landing in a small chamber with a podium that had a button. The button started a countdown timer that increased by ten seconds with each press. The rest of the party joined him, and Tahir used his shields to block the entrance, preventing the swarm of beetles from entering.   After spending an hour in the chamber, the party realized that the button did not need to be pressed, and the timer would just run out. However, Tahir, out of curiosity, destroyed the podium with his greathammer, causing the ground to shake violently. The tremors attracted the attention of a massive purple worm that burst through the wall and attacked them. Pyon Pyon used her adapt magic to turn the worm into a small purple frog and trap it in a glass jar, and the party fled the scene.

  The party traveled through the desert during the night under the light of the stars and moons, as it was too hot during the day. The party saw an adult red dragon with a Turmish knight rider flying high up in the sky, luckily they were hidden within their earth dome, so they went unnoticed.   After four days of travel, the party finally reached the shore of the Sea of Fallen Stars. They decided to follow the shoreline eastward in search of a smugglers' camp rumored to be in the area. On their way, they encountered a small herd of desert bucks. Tahir used his bow to take down the ancient elder buck, and the rest of the herd scattered in fear.   Finally the tents, camels and barges of the smugglers camp came into view - signalling the end of the desert trek. A world away, a war was being bloodily waged.

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