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Session 11 - Shadowfell

Last Time on Painting with Dust.   The party regrouped after the fight in Neverwinter with Sir Guldoon and another ally, Zelmar - a Silver Dragonborn. Jane and Thejeon, however, had teleported to Elturgard where after a short exchange, Thejeon was teleported back.   The party took a long rest and then travelled towards Elturgard to rescue Jane. On one of the stops, Thejeon murdered a poor little owlbear pup in cold blood.   The party made it to Elturgard where they found the whole city to be dead except for one little purple Goblin, Stickler. They headed towards the temple and continued deep within. At the bottom they found a black knight guarding a doorway to the Shadowfell. PyonPyon landed the last hit onto the black knight and the party headed through the portal.   On the otherside they discovered what it was like to be in the grey wasteland. A shadowborn man called Aska, travelled across their path and made a trade with PyonPyon. The family heirloom ring for another magical item.   The party then headed into Vecna's Castle. Thejeon, immediately was captured by a magical painting imprisonment spell. The party eventually freed him by cutting the painting. They then headed through the castle towards a staircase that lead up to the tallest tower. Thejeon and Stickler grabbed a painting and followed up. At the top, Zedar had finished his spell and looked towards the door as PyonPyon came running in. She grappled Zedar and Outosan followed up with an attack to the throat. Sir Guldoon, free the restraints from Jane. Zedar then misty stepped out of the grapple and disintegrated Jane in front of Sir Guldoon. Stickler and Thejeon reached the top of the stairs, stickler unravelled the painting and imprisoned Zedar within.

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