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Session 16 - Delselar

The party arrived in Delselar, they took Elvira to the arcane school where she was inspected and then asked to meet with the high mage. At the diamond keep the party met with Alenor, Elvira touched the storm Equinox and was declared by divine magic the new leader of Delselar. The party found out that Jane could be resurrected with a small fee of 25k gold.   The party explored the city, it was found that there was a new drug problem in town, Zelmar and Kauket got invited to an illegal elemental gambling den. Of course they investigated. Zelmar gambled and Kauket overheard treasonous plots by a Blue Tiefling called Thawn. The Den was then raided and Zelmar and Kauket captured.   They were taken back to the palace where they met with the captain and commander of the Delselar Warlocks. They were told to verify their story in 2 days or be thrown in jail.   The rest of the party went to a halfling Inn and insulted each other for candy prizes.   Kauket and Zelmar came back, told the group what had transpired and then went to bed. In the morning they met with William Tuk who had found drugs, the group then met with the drug dealer, captured him. Outosan disguised himself as the drug dealer and then got captured by Thawn's bodygaurd Rok.   Pyon Pyon went to the Moonlight School and met with a stoner looking lank man called Gibi. He invited her to come back next full moon.   Outosan was taken back to a warehouse where he was taken below ground. The party infiltrated the warehouse and then proceeded to battle a fierce fight for survival as two Salamanders were awaiting them. Outosan was lightning bolted 4 times in the face. The party won the battle, saved Outosan. And then called the warlocks.   The warlocks cleared the party of their crimes. They then found out that an illness potion called the Frigid Woe was being made at the same warehouse. The Party took this information back to the commander who then paid them for their time and asked the party to do one last favor. Find Thawn.

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