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Session 17 - Delselar

The party returned to the inn where they were met with a note from thawn. He was immensely annoyed with them and vowed revenge but for now he could not stay in town and had returned to the plane of fire, taking Sir William Tuk with him as a slave.

Pyon Pyon and Thejeon went off to see the full moon festival of druids while the rest of the party went back to the inn and relaxed, afterwards they looked for side jobs. They managed to find a magical purple goose in an alley way with find creature spells and obliterated it after receiving one super powerful peck. They party then went to the western shores in search of the ship monster.   At the shores they came across a mysterious hut where the father, son and mother sat around a table eating some sort of meat. After the father discovered their presence he was very defensive to get the party away from his house.   The party headed further away to where there was two stone towers, one almost completely collapsing and the other sorta intact. Next to the towers was a patch of dead grass where a large stone like tower used to be. The party went inside the more structurely intact tower and head up the stairs. As they did so the tower absorbed Pyon Pyon and grappled Outosan. The tower was a mimic!!!!

After a fierce fight of battling a mimic from within, sending everyone and the tower to the demi plane of marshmellows, demons turning on their masters and failed escape attempts...the tower was eventually defeated. But not without the parties own losses. Outosan sustained severe injury and unfortunately passed away. Pyon Pyon tried to ressurect him but with a NAT 1 he was lost forever.

Leaving the party on the shoreline, one less party member and a giant mimic corpse behind them.

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