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Session 19 - Skywards

The party said their farewells to Outosan as he returned to the ground from whence he was made and then headed towards to the city. Above the city a lone skybar ship drew nearer but Alenor immediately went to inspect it. Tahir and Alenor had a brief conversation after which she told him to land and meet her at the keep. Tahir's ship was fixed and Alenor inquired into Tahirs goals. She decided that he could be of assistance to the party and sent for them. They regrouped at the council auditorium where they met with Tahir. Tahir is looking to get to the plane of fire and Thejeon may be the key. Alenor also asked that Thawn be captured or killed in an undercover quest from her country for 20k gold.   The party accepted, did some last minute shopping and left on the skyship. Besides from flying raindeer, the flight was fairly uneventful until the ship malfunctioned due to the soul of its previous captain escaping into the nether. The ship headed straight for SHADOWTHORN FOREST. Before hitting the trees, Zelmar teleported the party to the forest floor safely. The skyship erupted into a ball of fire and wood splinters above them.   All around the party on the forest floor were many purple mushroom spores. If the party got close or attacked the spores, they would scream and explode.   Before the party could do themselves too much damage, a man and a woman dropped a rope for them to escape with. Magnus and Agda are a married couple of adventurers from the Black Tidings Guild. They led the party to a safe haven inside a hollowed out tree and asked them about their journey. It turns out Magnus and Agda are trying to figure out the mystery of The Tale of the Water Spirit and the Prince. Magnus told the tale and the session ended.

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