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Session 20

The party took some time to rest in the hollowed out tree with Magnus and Agda and talked about various issues around the land. They then set off for the lake. They travelled through the forest via the branches until the they could no longer and decended to the forest floor. They walked carefully through the overgrown dark woods until they came upon a crystal clear river, they circled around and discovered that the river was circular and flowing from seemingly nowhere. The party headed over the river and towards the center of this green and healthy pocket of woods. They went over a slope and found a small clear pool of fresh water, surrounded by ancient trees. The trees were diseased and sick.

Lying beneath the water a dryad slumbered magically. Thejeon threw a rock at her and then Zelmar picked her up and lead her out of the water, waking her up. The Dryad screamed and ran for her tree only to discover its sickness. The dryad mournfully turned into a spriggan and fought the party. Kauket wrecked the spriggan in one shot, causing the pocket of green forest to whither and die.   The party left this area and move towards the marshland near the lake proper. As the party got close to the first marsh pools they discovered small wooden statues submerged around them. Zelmar picked up a statue activating the defence magic and causing the party to be attacked by a multitude of these creatures.

During this fight Thejeon used Dawn to damage all creatures around him, including Zelmar's imp who promptly retreated. Not so happy about this, Zelmar used hellfire on Thejeon. Meanwhile;
Pyon Pyon, Tahir and Ket fought off the creatures and prevented Magnus from succoming to his wounds.
Thejeon and Zelmar had an argument but after a discussion apologized and made up.   The party then headed further into the swamp and started to encounter hundreds of rusted long swords that had just been scattered around the area. Further along they came to a large wooden door floating 5 feet off the ground, 2 large green lights hovering next to it. Behind the floating door, the lake proper sprung before them.   On the door were 7 large knobs:
Large skull with one socket for a large eye Large draconic skull with two large horns curved down One door knob with 5 lizard like skulls A normal looking regular door knob A rounded skull with a large circular maw with rows and rows of sharp teeth Long necked lizard like creature with several massive teeth that almost look frozen over Humanoid face with a gapping jaw almost extended beyond humanly possible   Written in Primordial runes around the doors base says “"Seven beasts, seven locks, One key to break the hag's stocks"”   The party opened the frost salamander door and Magnus/Agda headed through. The party then decided against it and stepped back out. Leaving Magnus and Agda to deal with whatever was on the other side.

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