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Session 3

Laaaaaaaaast time on D n D:   The party worked their way through the ruined city of neverwinter where they caught a mimic red pantsed in a weapon store, they did some looting and then threw the mimic at two cultists going for a walk. Two dead bodies later they left the mimic with the tasty treats and went deeper towards the Chasm. Here they found the cultist camp with a portal to Shadowfell. The party dealt with the cultists swiftly and then released the villagers from their cages. The villagers had been given swords and were told to kill the other in the cage in order to be released. If someone did do so they were taken by Emlyn through the portal where she returned with a larvae.   This relates to the trade agreement they found between Kal Zul and Vecna where 50 000 souls were requested for sigils of immortality, death and power.   The party destroyed the portal and took the larvae and villagers back through the city where they were attacked by vile humanoid creatures. They defeated these creatures easily but created such a loud noise that it attracted the keeper of the city, a young white dragon. The party hid in ruined buildings and waited for the dragon to get bored and move off.   The party regrouped at the docks where a Trean militaria ship had docked offloading Soldiers and a portal used to teleport back to Trean. Here they met Keel the Guild Master for the Seers Mage Guild who told the party about the soul prison that these larvae created for the villagers souls. Thejeon said a prayer for the souls as they left the destroyed Larvae and the party headed back to Trean with their Father.   After a warm and happy reuniting of Sven and his wife, the party did some shopping, ordered the fixing up of their family home and headed back to the portal where Baron Oolong requested their aid in making safe the city of Neverwinter for occupation. This includes the slaying of the frost dragon.   The party headed back to the neverwinter and warned the Captain that they would be taking on the dragon and bringing it back to the docks for the 100 soldiers to assist in the fight. By this time the Morning Dew Fishing ship had left the harbor back onto the ocean where they feel safest.   The party headed into northern neverwinter where they found the great frozen lake. They travelled around the edge of the lake unstealthily and found themselves next to a ruined house where they saw a torch lit. Thejeon avoided a rope trap setup by goblins but at this point the dragon was very aware of their presence and started to emerge from the frozen lake. The party ran inside the house just as the dragon got close enough to use its icy breath through a window. Several goblins died instantly and a few tried to make a run for it with no success. With a party hiding inside a house and a dragon eagerly looking to get whatever is inside we ended the session.

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