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Session 4

LaAaAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaST Time on Dungeons and wagons:   The white dragon left the remains of the frozen house to its offspring and flew off to take care of the soldiers at the docks. The party suprised the wyrmling and killed it.   They then headed towards the docks to assist with the killing of the dragon. After a hard battle fought and a shattered captain Steyn they finally won. The party had a quick funeral for the late captain and headed towards the frozen lake where they found the dragons nest beneath and also recovered the wyrmling body for the Baron as a trophy.   The party headed back to town where they were met with cheers and a warm welcome from the Baron and villagers. They visited their parents who were nothing but relieved of their return. They went to an Inn where they spoke about their journeys and heard about Zedar from their father. They were told tales of how he went off to get rid of the blight but has since disappeared. Whilst there Plume asked the party to come see her at the Adventurers guild.   The party had a good night of drinking and partying with much horsing around. The next day the party headed back to their different work places where they retired from the shoplife and then visited the Blue End Adventurers guild.   Here they met White Snow, a bunch of rude and sexist dwarves whom got put in their place with a mighty slap. They then got given a quest to retrieve the Strong Arm Tribes heirloom Axe that once belonged to Graaf, now rightfully Plume's by birthright. The axe is to be found in the tomb under Snagjaw Castle in Western Faerun. They also joined the guild under the team name "Zultan's Hope", currently rank F.   The party then got a quest from the Baron to investigate Baldur's End and Elturgard and send back information as to the state of the cities. Whilst in the courtyard an offer of betrothal from a poor peasant family was offered towards Outosan.   They then got some horses (White mane, grey hoof, Larry and <>) and left for Neverwinter. Here they met the new Captain of the Guard, Guuld. The party journey out of town and down the south road. On their travels they met the Sir Guldoon of House Tuk, a messager from the kingdom of Craiton. Who instantly fell head over heels for Jane. He continued towards Neverwinter seeking trade and alliance agreements.   The adventurers then set up camp just off the road inside the Neverwinter Woods. On Outosan's watch he saw Jane's Cheeks get carressed by some invisible entity. Here the party rests and prepares for their long journey.

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