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Session 5

Last time!   The party came across a young mining boy called John Hopkins whom barely survived a massive monster attack on his village. Apparently a large turtle looking creature devoured everyone. The boy joined the party on their travels as they headed down the south road towards Baldurs End. On the road the party came across a slaver caravan, after a quick battle the slavers were defeated and 6 villagers were rescued from the cages. The villagers joined the party and continued on.   At baldurs End the party learnt that a beholder has setup its lair in the city and created a massive magical dome around it. The party swiftly left and headed towards Elturgard. At Elturgard a massive blood cloud loomed over the city and it was filled with Drow, Goblins and hobgoblins. Humans also frequented the city gates. The party contacted Baron Oolong and continued to Snagjaw Castle.   At Snagjaw Castle the party came across 2 heavily armored Drow and a spider. They pushed them back into the keep and took sanctuary outside to recuperate for the night. In the morning the party headed inside the keep. Here they discovered several magical room traps that they had to deal with, some being more deadlier than others. One of the rooms was filled with a hundred Phylactery but if someone touches one of the boxes they would encounter nightmarish visions. The party then killed the drow that had escaped the day before and headed into a courtyard with a blood red tree in the center. Thejeon grabbed a piece of fruit which made the tree angry and attack the party. One Swift escape later they found themselves in a room filled with Mirrors. Here the session ended.

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