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Session 6

Previously....   The party was faced with a room filled with mirrors, immediately Thejeon is on the attack with a mighty smite! However, the mirror dodges! Outosan uses detect magic and locates the true mirror door through which to escape and prepares to leave. At this point the mirrors all attack together. The party runs for the door, thejeon nearly dies, the party rescue thejeon and escape! They then find themselves in a massive arena faced by an ancient Red Dragon....seconds from devouring them the dragon vanishes in a puff of smoke, out emerges Iggy - a familiar violet faerie dragon who gives the party the key to the castle. The room shimmers and they find themselves in the lush green apothecary room filled with trees, flowers, grass and mushrooms. The party find a few interesting tools and gear then head on towards the smithy. In the Smithy they find a small hammer that can be used to destroy magic items. They also find the remains of what used to be a mighty barbarians chambers. The party heads on towards the catacombs, here they find several coffins for Sledge, Condor, Thorn and Graaf. The party inspects Sledges coffin but finds no body. They then retrieve the great axe from Graaf's coffin with much effort and heads towards the end of the tomb. Here they discover a very intricate statue of a halfling thief called Merrick. Finally having accomplished their quest, the party leaves the castle, Iggy says his farewells and flies off in search of their mothers cooking.   On the way out they find that 2 of their horses have been eaten by spiders and so they double up on one poor beast and head down the mountain. A few meters down, they take sight of a massive Goblin army, 500 strong, heading for Elturgard. They wait a bit then follow the army at a distance back to the City. Close to the city, Thejeon uses his magic to pry upon the gates where he sees Zedar - Now Kal Zur Emerge and command the army with a mighty ferocity. Unfortunately the party is spotted and chased by a pack of Goblin worg riders. The party tries to escape but eventually the worg riders catch up....much to their despise as Jane unleashes a massive torrent of water upon them. Crushing them all.   The party then meets up with the Caravan of Woman and Children and John Hopkins and takes rest within Neverwinter Woods. Early into the night, while on Janes petrol, she falls into a rat filled pit and Goblins suddenly attack from the trees. With a quick beating and much bolder tossing, the party defeats the goblins but leaves 1 alive. Stickler. Thejeon interrogates Stickler then coverts him into a disciple of Rasfas, gives him a scroll of sending and strict instruction to tell his superior that they were attacked by owlbears and then to join the arena and fight for honor and glory then to return to Neverwinter with a letter proving he is not an enemy. Stickler eagerly heads off into the night.   The next day the party returns to Neverwinter and gives the woman and children a chance to find rest and food. The party also aids John with a scimitar and purpose to assist with setting up the Savras church within Neverwinter. They then head off to meet with the new captain of the Guard to debrief him with all of the happenings and then head for the docks to find the portal. As luck may have it, Sir Guldoon of House Tuk is on a massive Galley, leaving the docks for open water. When He sees Jane, he immediately leaps off into the water and swims to see her, Jane meets him halfway using water walking. He smothers her in praise and declares he will be marrying her....he then tells her that he must make haste back home for the queen was assassinated by a chair. They say their farewells and he leaves. Jane returns to the party and they head back to Trean.   Immediately the party is surprised to see banners, fliers and decoration of a tournament up and all about the city. They are made aware of the Blue End Adventurers Guild's yearly Champion fighting tournament and of course sign up for the fray in 3 days time. At the Guild Hall they meet several other Blue End guild members and get a feel for what to expect.   Finally the party returns home to find Iggy causing kak and enjoying a warm carpet next to a fireplace, they greet their parents and find a massive amount of gifts from Sir Guldoon....including a massive war horse named, Sir Barrington, in their bedroom. A few interesting moments later, the party is catching up with their parents and enjoying good company....

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