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Session 7

Lasssst time on Dungeons and royals;   The party spent two days preparing for the upcoming tournament. During this time Thejeon and Pyon Pyon collected the reward from the Baron and got permission to take over an empty Temple within Neverwinter to further Savras' call. Outosan readied a new weapon and Jane helped with the Jewellery shop and tent setup.   Whilst they prepared they also met a guild member from Black Tidings situated in Baldurs Gate, Michael (Mik ale) Solstif, who was scouting potentially strong candidates. The party also discovered that Lady Fae, one of Zedar's old companions, was in town to assist with the Tournament.   After two days the party regrouped and set forth to the arena. All tournament members stood in the Arena as they were told the rules of the game and then with a blinding light, were teleported into a pocket dimension. Separated in an unfamiliar city, each member investigated their surroundings and headed for the centre, behind them in a dome shape the pocket dimension crumbled....   After fighting goblins and avoiding traps, several 3 way fights set into motion at the bridges. Jane, however, turned into a sherk and made her way through the water to avoid other shenanigans.   Thejeon encountered Pyon Pyon and proceeded to run across the bridge to find a safer location. Outosan tried to follow him into the centre temple but found a golden box which teleported him into a 1v1 arena room. Here he found Jane after she made it to the temple and found a similar box.   Pyon Pyon fought blood and tooth to the centre chamber of the temple where she faced off against Drenar, previous champion.   At this point the circle had closed to its final point turning everything else in the city into atoms.   Whilst Pyon Pyon and Drenar battled, Thejeon 3rd partied the fight from a distance, however uneffective.   Another member was teleported into the 1v1 arena room which turned the fight ugly. As the battles waged, the water around the temple boiled and soon turned into lava...melting the walls and stone.   Thejeon, giving up on trying to hit Pyon Pyon teleported into the 1v1 arena room too and finished off those that had battled for hours. Pyon Pyon decimated Drenar and stood waiting for a challenger to appear.   Os won his battles at the south bridge and headed into the temple to rest but was discovered by a nosy goblin. They fought until several pieces of the floor fell away into lava including one full plate goblin. As the walls fell too Pyon Pyon found Os and channelled her thunder, knocking Os into the lava as well.   As Thejeon emerged from the smaller pocket dimension he found himself on a single piece of stone floating on lava as the rest of the temple disintegrated. Before him, Pyon Pyon.   Thejeon and Pyon Pyon battled it out with intense heat filling their lungs and the stone platforms writhed around in the boiling lava. With a might leap, Pyon Pyon jumped onto Thejeons rock and brought her club down on his head, ending the game. Pyon Pyon stood upon the super heated stone, club raised and victorious.   With a bright white light, Pyon Pyon reappeared in the arena back in Trean where the crowed roared their cheers!!! Lady Fae approaches arms open with a look of recognition in her eyes.   The rest of the party awoke in a small white tent, used for healing. Outosan specifically had a towering goliath looking down at him....slightly flush and impressed....

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