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Session 8 Underdark

Time Last Dnd On:   The party was rewarded for their bravery in the might blue end arena. They then spoke at length with Lady Fae who directly the party on their next choice of adventure, the upperdark, where they would seek the original Phylactery of Kal Zul. The party also discovered where Jane was originally from, the elemental plane of water, and Pyon Pyon originally from the Feywilds.   The party then rested for a week, retrieved a quest to rescue a few soldiers that had scouted the upperdark and headed towards Neverwinter where they planted the baby treant. Having completely all their tasks, they took the elevator at the chasm down into the upperdark.   The tunnels were treacherus but the party came out on top each time until they discovered the Nekkers. The Nekkers convinced the party to follow them through a shortcut but ended up leading them into a Kikimore nest where they discovered the dead soldiers...and one survivor. The party fought off a Kikimore Guard while more Kikimore started heading their way. It is here that the session ended.

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