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Session 9 Underdark

The party escaped the Kikimore nest and jumped into an air tunnel before the queen could get to them. The air tunnel sucked them into a large iron room where they were investigated by a gnome and then brought into what they call the gnomeville Observatory. Here they could look out onto the "stupid pond" and rest. They paid for passes to traverse the bullet tunnels, met another group of travelers whom decided to investigate the location of Kal Zul's Phylactery together. The next day the party headed off into the underdark, after a few hours of travel they came across the iron door leading into the secret room. With a bit of engineering they managed to pry the door open and headed inside.   The room was a large dome with a chimney in the center of the roof. In the center of the room on stone platform the phylactery sat next to a black stone that seemed to absorb light. Above these objects a large cauldron hovered, lights flaring out and inside small creatures swam.   Thejeon decided to go first, jumping from rock platform to rock platform making his way to the center. Until he was ambushed by a fleshy humanoid monster (warp spawn). The party then proceeded to get into a dire fight for survival as the room shifted to flesh and moved causing major difficulty for the group. The raiding party that joined the group died swiftly and the soldier they saved fell into the darkness. Eventually Jane and Pyon Pyon grabbed the Phylactery and Jane got the final blast onto the flesh monster. Thejeon purified the cauldron and the group looked around as the soldier that had fallen off the edge managed to climb up. The Soldier grabbed the black Warp stone, shifted his form showing that he was actually The Night Hag that had been tormenting Jane and then she disappeared into the nether. The party started to channel their moonstone to teleport back home, just before they finally left Kal Zul appeared and warned them that should they go through with this theft they will pay. But luckily the spell finished and the party teleported out.   Back Home the group used the magic item destroying hammer they found to destroy the phylactery. The witnessed Zedar's soul float up and disappear. They had but a moment to rest before bells in Trean went off. They party gathered their things and left to go see what was happening. All soldiers were going through the portal to Neverwinter and as such they followed. In Neverwinter a massive challenge had been issued from the Turmish empire to Neverwinter. A duel to deal with the unsolved murder of their queen. Pyon Pyon took up the opportunity to be challenger. After a vicious fight she just made it ontop and won the honor of the war game.   The Turmish warriors took the defeat honorably and took up position on the walls. As an army waited for them beyond...

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