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Thelonius Bijou

Soldier of the Frozen Wastes Thelonius Bijou (a.k.a. Warrior of Ice)

Thelonius Bijou fought in the Great Plague War where the Ice Elves conquered their scourged brethren, who were afflicted by an unknown illness that drove them mad, running wildly from ruin to ruin murdering and eating the flesh of innocent civilians. This left the Northern Tribe of Ice Elves very poor, weak, and scattered. Seeking a better life, a change of scenery, and relief from the horrors that occupy his mind, Thelonius left for Wissenheim.   After a long and treacherous journey, a few weeks there with little work opportunities and increasing homelessness, Thelonius found himself selling his ornamental battle armor, weapons, to the Traders' Guild for scraps, and doing whatever oddjobs & manual labor were available, often for little pay or scraps to eat.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, Tall, Muscular, Emaciated & Starving.

Body Features

Blue Skin, White hair, Infected Wounds & Scars. Large scar on the face through the eye.

Facial Features

Blue eyes. A mesmerizing glare, with nothing behind the eyes. Large scar across the face through the eye.

Identifying Characteristics

Large scar across the face through the eye.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thelonius Bijou fought in the Great Plague War where the Ice Elves conquered their scourged brethren, who were afflicted by an unknown illness that drove them mad, running wildly from ruin to ruin murdering and eating the flesh of innocent civilians. This left the Northern Tribe of Ice Elves very poor, weak, and scattered. Seeking a better life, a change of scenery, and relief from the horrors that occupy his mind, Thelonius left for Wissenheim. After a long and treacherous journey, a few weeks there with little work opportunities and increasing homelessness, Thelonius found himself selling his ornamental battle armor, weapons, and doing whatever oddjobs & manual labor were available, often for little pay or scraps to eat.

Gender Identity





Educated by the mystics & nobles of the Frozen Wastes. Not very educated in terms of the wider world. But extremely intelligent.


Oddjobs, stealing from ruffians, defending peasants.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Defeated the plagued elves in the North, at great cost (the loss of almost the entire tribe, leaving the tribe nomads with very few soldiers & mystics left, and only a handful of women & children).

Failures & Embarrassments

My best friend & wife died at the hands of a band of plagued elves, while I still couldn't believe the plague was causing cannibalism and discounted reports of such madness. This haunts me.

Mental Trauma

My best friend & wife died at the hands of a band of plagued elves, while I still couldn't believe the plague was causing cannibalism and discounted reports of such madness. This haunts me.

Morality & Philosophy

I believe in the strong arm of the Law, I worship the Father of Death, best embodied by ice itself. Ice is the very essence of death, killing all living things.


being sick or ill

Personality Characteristics


To follow the Father of Death's plans, and discover the source of the Voice in my head. Gain enough coin to reclaim my ornamental battle armor & halberd.

Vices & Personality flaws

alcohol, religion = vices

Personality Quirks

extremely honorable in all regards.


dirty, infected wounds, disgusting, needs a shower bad. and probably a medic. smells awful.


Contacts & Relations

Strangers that I have just met. Contact in the Traders' Guild where I sold my armor/weapons.

Family Ties

know a few ice elves roaming the north they are my brothers

Religious Views

worships Death (ice)

Social Aptitude

A strong sense of honor. Hates miscreants and lawbreakers.


Strong, stoic, no sense of fear. Nothing to lose. Very sure of himself.

Wealth & Financial state

poor as fuck

From the Ice Elf tribe in the frozen wastes, which were destroyed by a cannibalistic plague that drove them mad and made them fear water, the very element which gives them life. Tall, Muscular, Blue skin, Blue eyes.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Warrior of Ice Soldier of the Frozen Wastes
Northern Frozen Wastes
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft 3 inch
225 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Taste vengeance!" "Give the Father of Death my regards!" "Steel yourself!" "Avast, ye!" "Face death on your feet, coward!"

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Another Day, Another Job

It seems that my traveling companions are, at the moment, some very noble and honorable persons. Neo seems like a particularly ravenous individual. I don't typically gamble; but I really should have known he would win that fight, and put some money down on him. I have seen many scams before where they give you an easy fight, then they ask you to go double or nothing with someone much stronger and you lose all your money. To be honest I've seen such scams more often than actual fights, which is why I chose not to place a bet. Maybe I could have been more generous in my opinion of such establishments. Kaal is very mysterious, and I'm not quite sure what to think of him. He is an enigma, surely, and shrouded in omens. The elves used to speak of such beings, an old wives tale, to be sure, but apparently a true one. Garbod & Goud are people I can get along with. Just generally good people. They remind me much of some of my friends in the North who died in the war. I look forward to many drinks to come with such people. Bilbod is a strange one, but he likes drink, and so do I. I must take more time to learn more about him.   For the time being, I believe I can trust them. We will see how far this trust goes. It has been a very long time since I have been able to trust anyone. Most people would have never given me the money from our past two jobs, instead only scraps. I have more money now than I've ever had since leaving the North. A few more months of this and perhaps I can track down my old armor & weapons and buy them back.   I am very suspicious of the elves in this area. They seem to be attempting to start a war with the other races, or at the very least incite violence in an attempt to have them removed from the area. Such racism is not something I am used to in the North, as we never saw many other races, however many of the elves who live up North prefer the company of other elves, and I understand why. Many of these humans are not to be trusted in the slightest. It is as if they live for war, wealth, and power.   I am also very suspicious of such sailors as can be found in the Warrens. They appear very rough around the edges, thuggish brutes who live and act without honor or nobility, living by some obscure personal code rather than the laws of their districts. A good relationship with these types may be fortuitous, but I must stay wary of their hidden intentions. I am not sure I am off to a good start, and I must work on my negotiating skills.  

Wicked Creatures & The Dwelling of the Depraved

What a strange series of events.. these crazed people have led me to a large building where the ruffians stay.   Inside in the depths of the basement, they keep some manner of wicked creatures that the Father of Death himself would scorn from this world. Luckily, we needed not interact with them.   We found some interesting trinkets which might sell for a decent price. We also took one of the criminals alive. The Traders' Guild has rewarded us nicely for our efforts. My companions have spared me some gold. It's not much, but I will eat for another day.   I fear I may have been too short with my traveling companions. My life has been hard. Trusting others does not come easily to me. I was ready to meet death in battle, but they saved me. Whether this was a blessing or a curse, that is yet to be decided.

strangers in the night

I met some strangers today, scrapping with some ruffians. They are my best chance at making some coin. They are acquainted with the Traders' Guild. I have nothing left to lose.   They spoke of the voice. What dark magic could this be? What sorcery could cause thousands of people to hear the same voice?   My mind is racing. I believed the Father of Death had called out to me. Could this be false? Could it have been some crazed sorcerer, locked in some tower on the other side of the world? Seeking to destroy my mind, and drive me mad?   Perhaps the father of death has plans for me. Perhaps he does not wish to meet me yet.


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