Fey Island Geographic Location in Witch's Peak Campaign | World Anvil

Fey Island

A small island in the archipelago off of the coast of the Sidmar province, this island has a strong connection to the feywild. It is the most lush and beautiful of the archipelago islands, with a variety of strange plants flourishing upon it. Giant ferns make up the majority of the underbrush, nearing eight to nine feet long fronds. The trees are predominantly deciduous trees are tinged with shades of blue, purple, and yellow year round. The leaves will only drop when snow touches the island, and return as soon as the snow has receded.   The island has several small hills upon it, at the top of each is a twelve foot warning Runestone. Each one written in a different language, some of which no scholar has been able to determine the origin of. From the ones that can be translate a warning of extreme magic and a being of extreme power resides within. Every party that has been sent into the island disappears or returns with their minds broken. At times the party may return decades after departing, confused, but reporting having only been gone for a day.   A few small groups of people have attempted to settle on the edge of the island. Always extremely successful at first, with bountiful catches of fish and plentiful access to fruits. Over time they become strange, almost alien to those who attempt to interact with them. When people go missing, or children transform in the night, nobody comments. Instead strange offerings are left around the warning stone, and those with the ability to leave do so.   Despite the dangers of the islands the fruit that is exported from it is rumored to be some of the best in the land. Nothing tastes sweeter or is as refreshing as the fruit naturally gathered from the island. Wealthy merchants and lords will spend fortunes procuring the fruit for important expeditions, or for export to other provinces in the old empire.


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