Beastkin Species in Witchbottle | World Anvil
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Grotesque Chimera of Man & Beast

Those cursed things, wrought of naught but hubris. By God's hand, let their false lord perish beside them.
- Human Clergyman

The Curse of the Beastkin

The Beastkin is a chimera-like being, typically non-sentient and of grotesque form. They are oft feared by Man and beast alike, and their silhouette is easily discernible from any natural creature.   Although Beastkin are generally monstrous in nature, a rare few retain their sentience. These few are forlorn; they wander the overgrown paths of the world with little companionship and the knowledge that they can never truly reintegrate into human society.
Some view this affliction as blessing rather than curse. There are those who pursue this chimera-like state for a variety reasons, one of which is rumored popular among the occult breed. These individuals seek to paint themselves in the image of their God. To survive such a rite with mind intact would mark one as unquestionably devout.

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Genetic Ancestor(s)
  • Variant
If the individual retains sentience, then Beastkin will generally live out the remainder of their life that they would have as a Human unless hunted.
Geographic Distribution
  • Variant
Beastkin are far and few between and are not typically organized in settlements. There are only three approximate known Beastkin population centers which house beings of a similar variant.
Notable Civilizations
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

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