
Devoidia is a color that is nonexistant. Those that can see it, typically magic users, are able to perceive it as a color somewhere along the lines of purple, pink and blue; one that is in a constant state of movement. It is the closest one can get to physically seeing Resolve. However, thanks to it's orderworldly, hard-to-comprehend nature, having an object that is colored in this fashion can result in it being perceived as 'invisible'.


Souls manifest in this color when they are not in a physical form. Typically, when a living thing exudes a large amount of magical potential, aka Resolve, it manifests in the form of Devoidia encroaching around their form. In instances where magic is used to render oneself invisible, they are completely enshrouded in this color, which renders them invisible to the naked eye.


Of note is that, while typically those who have become particularly atuned to magic can see it properly, there is a growing number of folks who have become able to see this color due to the effects of The Withering. As of present, around 4.52% of the global population on Earth can see it, with similar numbers being found on other realms.


It is said that of all the species throughout the realms, the only ones who could see it without any prior exposure to magic were Stars and Dragons. Speculation says that this was possible due to the immense spiritual nature of the Stars and their dedication to magic; while for Dragons it's due to their otherworldly, reality-bending nature.


Artistic Rendition of Devoidia


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