
Welcome to the end of our worlds.

Long ago, humanity had discovered the secrets of the universe, magic having become known to all human beings, and a realization that there are other worlds out there-- not in space, but alongside their own. The Fourth Cycle Of Strakh, Terra Eclipsis, and The Sands.


Of Pain. Of Trauma. Of Nightmares. Of Eternity. Of Curses. Of Lyudi.


Of War. Of Freedom. Of Strife. Of Identity. Of Loss. Of Elves.


Of Bandits. Of Desperados. Of Escape. Of Highwaymen. Of Steam. Of Reptilia.

This era, known as The Bloom, had brought about an upheaval of change and wonder to the planet, allowing for a spectacular growth in magic, faith, and technology. The propogation of the supernatural. With further discoveries made involving an ancient sect of humanity...


A mysterious realm, one lost to time, one that no one has been able to enter. Blackstar. A holy land, supposedly. A fabled land. Beautiful. Hands raised up high. Hands held together. A silver mountain, locaed everywhere and no where. Vaults laid upon every realm visited by them a long, long time ago... was thought that humanity would have a long, and prosperous, era awaiting them.

Then, twenty years ago, The Withering occured. The realms survived, but they were all heavily scarred, damaged, bringing about a slow death.


What was once a beautiful and wonderous world has begun to burn away, the landscape transforming and bringing upon devastation unlike anything seen before.


The land has begun to collapse underneath Strakh, splitting the planet deeper into the void. Within the void, a voice calls, causing the deities ruling over the realm to fall into madness.

Terra Eclipsis

Already devastated by war, the chaotic surge of magic in the air has mutated the existing fauna and driven many Elves into manic states. Alongside that, another war against creatures once thought extinct has ignited...


The sands have begun to cool, with large swaths of land having transformed into glass beforehand. From within this glass, monsters arise, and bring further devastation as a species that thrives from heat struggles to survive...

Even the dead were not allowed to rest in these times.


The land of the deceased and of demons, holes began to form in this realm, spilling forth hundreds of lost souls. The King of Sheol has gone missing, and for reasons that confound many, Strakh is beginning to collide with the realm...

Everything had become ruin.
And so, for the next twenty years, all of the realms have fought to survive the new, nightmarish enviroment that they have become entrapped in.
There's no going back to as things were before. No one can go back home. No one can go back from the pain they've experienced.
All that remains for some, in these realms, is the sheer resolve in their souls.
For them, that's all they need.

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