SCARAB Coins are a specialized type of currency used for high-profile goods and services. Developed by NEVER BE GAME OVER, SCARAB Coins are often used by it's members to obtain particular pieces of information, assistance, or tools to assist with their bounties and deliveries.
Soon after The Withering occured and Never Be Game Over was established, the idea was floated around on establishing a specialized type of currency for those who work within the organization. The justification for this was to reduce the chances of individuals being traced, as some missions offered by Never Be Game Over tend to result in a lot of enemies being made. Using these coins was seen a secure way to exchange goods and information between members of Never Be Game Over as a result.
Despite being made of Bismuth, each coin is made to have a unique identifier on the rim of it. This identifier, only seen by those whom are within Never Be Game Over thanks to a magical spell cast upon the coin, allows for fakes to easily be found and disposed of.
As stated above, a SCARAB Coin is often used for the exchange of specialized goods and information gathering by those within NBGO. This has included, but it is not limited to:
- Paid-for espionage of a target's defenses and locations.
- Magical weapons and tools.
- Scrolls for deploying spells such as Barriers.
- Maps.
- Mercenary assistance.