Ability Checks

Separate from and in addition to roleplay, ability checks are a means of determining the outcome of a given interaction. Wherever there is an element of chance in a situation, your game master may call for an ability check to determine whether your character succeeds or fails, like using a Charisma check to determine how receptive an NPC is to a bargain attempt. Other checks might be appropriate in certain situations but are otherwise at your game master’s discretion.   If you haven’t already, we strongly recommend taking some time to look at (or bookmark) the Using Each Ability section of the PHB, located in Chapter 7. This part of the book provides examples and context for each possible skill check and can help make sure you’re using the right skills when needed. Pay attention to your skill proficiencies, and familiarize yourself with the skills of your allies, to let the best equipped individual for the job step up in the moment.   You as a player can request to make checks if one hasn’t been asked for, provided the circumstances call for it. Game masters often provide an illustrative description of your world, and in Chromatia especially, try to provide an element of mysticism and exploration to the surroundings. We usually welcome questions about notable details in the game world as it helps us expand or reinforce existing lore, and sometimes these details may actually connect to or reveal previously hidden or obscured details that will improve your chances in completing the mission successfully.   That said, it’s healthy and important to understand that just because you ask for a check, does not mean you’ll be granted one. Certain circumstances, like romancing an emotionless golem, simply won’t result in another outcome no matter how well you roll. The game master reserves the right to decline a check request (and will usually be polite enough to explain why, barring any extenuating circumstances preventing them from doing so), and that decision – like any decision made by a game master – should be respected.