Core Race Notes

The following races have notes or details specific to Chromatia's lore and the backstory of that race. If you'd like to know more about a race's culture or relevancy in the world, or how you might differ, always feel welcome to ask in or create a private thread under #character-inspiration to hash out the details with the community or staff.   Dragonborn. Dragonborn with gem-based ancestries (amethyst, crystal, emerald, sapphire, or topaz) are exceptionally rare not only in the world, but throughout the Chromatian universe. Most believe gem dragonborn to be mutations of the more common metallic or chromatic ancestries, as gem dragons themselves do not exist in any known realm or space within or bordering Chromatia. Consequently, when gem dragonborn emerge in their respective communities, they’re often seen as omens or signs of divine importance, for better or worse.   Dwarves. The dwarves of Chromatia are just as diligent and hard-working as they are in any realm, but the bulk of their society is based out of the illustrious Fort Stonehaven, located in Chromatia’s Onyxian mountains. Dwarves have long been behind the creation and advancement of many potent technologies, and their home plays host to an All-Forge – a legendary type of forge that exists almost nowhere else in the world, as the only folks who know how to craft them are the mysterious Primordials, who guard the secret jealously.   Elves. The elven races of Chromatia are spread far and wide among the world’s communities but gather most predominantly on the edges of the Hallow Forest in the east, and until recently, Elsental in the west. A good portion of the elven community lived in the latter and were forced to evacuate their homes en masse when the capital was overrun by monsters from the abyss. Few who survived saw anything of significance, fewer still are willing to speak about the horrors they witnessed, but most lost someone in the aftermath of the attack and wait for the opportunity to take their homeland back.   Gith. The gith are a far-removed society who, much like they do in other realms, originate from the astral planes and limbo. The majority of those who find their way to Chromatia do so explicitly to either join the guild’s cause, or as a part of their infamous illithid hunts. The gith’yanki especially have involved themselves as part of the effort of retaliating against Shuriig’s influences after the damage the Devourer’s minions dealt their society in Tu’narath.   Goblinoids. Goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears were once reviled throughout the global community as creatures of mischief and chaos, and in some places, still are. But, thanks to the diligent efforts of Ozzie, a beloved public figure who’s long since vanished from the public eye, goblins and their ilk are much better received in most major communities.   Gnomes. Gnomes are among the most ingenious inventors in the world, and prove as much to the world from the highly advanced society they’ve established in Tinkertown. Their artifice is more commonly known as Tekka, which is also the very same concept that permitted the gnomes to invent their one-of-a-kind Mekka, formidable constructs that can be worn and ridden like armor. By some accounts, it is said this very concept is what permitted the reinvigoration of Warforged society, and played most significantly in Tinkertown’s alliance with the dwarves of Stonehaven and the rest of the Onyxian forts.   Lizardfolk. Lizardfolk mostly live in the swampy beastlands of southern Hestroa, and are well known isolationist tribes. Still, the lizardfolk are anything but the brutish, simple minded beasts most attribute them – they have a well developed society, trade networks, and an understanding of natural medicines few other cultures share.   Shifters. The shifters live in isolated corners of the world and count themselves among some of the oldest beast cultures in history. The elders of these cultures pass down legends and stories of the part their cultures played in preventing the Primordial Chaos and how the world reviled them afterward, and so limit their interactions with global society short of sending their young out to experience it for themselves.   Tieflings. Chromatia has a surprisingly strong bond with Baator and, consequently, it is surprisingly common to encounter fiend-folk spawned in the wake of visits from fiends and archfiends who passed through the realm either recently or in Chromatia’s distant past. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re any better received than in other realms, but even in smaller towns, tieflings are recognized and often viewed as their own individuals, rather than assumed to be the villainous cutthroats their ancestry grants them in other realms.   Triton. The tritons tend to gather in the Serene, the expansive ocean dominating much of the world’s surface. Their cultures are distant and comparably exotic to the world, but even they know of the danger of Shuriig’s Demise – an unofficial sea formed between Hestroa and Priotoris in the aftermath of Shuriig’s attack on the world a few decades ago. Many tritons migrate inland to patrol the Demise, seeking out and hunting the aberrant monstrosities that spawn in the dark depths of the crater and claiming their victories as trophies and rites of passage back in their homelands.   Warforged. The formidable warforged have long been a source of valuable warriors and laborers in the world, based out of their ancestral home Fort Ironcog. They have a notably close relationship to the dwarves and gnomes of Stonehaven and Tinkertown, respectively, as the societies they believe most responsible for restoring their dwindling cultures and bringing back the knowledge to repair their old and construct new warforged. Many take up rotations in the Armored Brigade, one of the strongest land-based militaries in the known world and wear their service as a badge of honor long after they retire.   Yuan-Ti. The yuan-ti of Chromatia are largely based out of the desert city of Kutenet, and owe their faith to kinder, fairer gods than the traditionally evil gods of yuan-ti living in other realms. They are a noble people of pride and faith, and place strong values in their community – more so since the fall and complete destruction of their ancestral home, Ashkaris.