Custom Races

The following are custom races (use the “Custom Lineage” option provided on DDB if applicable) devised by players and introduced to the world of Chromatia as established societies or cultures in the world's lore. You are free to select one of the below races in lieu of a normal race, using either the guidelines provided in TCoE or following the provided recommendations for the race.   If you’d like to submit your own to be listed on this page, feel free to create a private thread in #character-inspiration and hash out the details with Chromatian Staff.  


The luvese are wandering fey sprites whose origins are steeped in just as much mystery and wonder as the courts they hail from. The luvese are often confused for monsters and thri-keen, given their insect-like appearances and psionic traits – it is normal for the luvese to share features with moths, dragonflies, butterflies, beetles, and other similar species found in and around the feywilds. They are a people of secrets and whispers, of occult knowledge and lore, and share the knowledge of stars with those who listen.   Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom score by 2.
Age. The Luvese do not believe in concepts such as age, and know nothing of what it means to be born or to die from the passage of time. They simply come into being one day, and vanish another, nothing more than passing fancies in the wild dreams of society.
Size. Most Luvese measure between 5 and 6 feet tall, but the hardiest among them rarely weigh any more than 80 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Telepathic. A Luvese’s connection to whispered, forgotten things lends them to lives of hushed silence and reverence, preferring instead to communicate with each other through quiet, non-verbal methods. You gain the Telepathic feat. When using your telepathy to communicate with other creatures, you create subtle smells of nature associated with the emotions you are attempting to convey, such as honey for the sense of pleasure, or cinnamon for anger.
Darkvision. Most Luvese are nocturnal creatures, living deep in forests, old libraries, and places where dust gathers. Accustomed to twilight, you have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Language. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.  


Tiny, peculiar automatons discovered in the depths of Gadgerton and possessed with a need to be helpful. They appear wherever people need tasks finished, do their utmost to assist and – most strangely – on completing the task, die in an otherwise harmless explosion. When the Meekix dies this way, however, the corpse fragments reassemble themselves into two new Meekix. One assumes the identity and capabilities of the original and resumes exactly where it left off as if nothing had happened, seeking the next person to help, and the other – well, honestly, we actually have no idea where the other goes or what it does, but it leaves, immediately and swiftly. Probably to go help someone. Some Meekix take names to keep track of their family histories, but otherwise, they are all just named Meekix.   It’s easier that way.   Ability Score Increase. Increase your Constitution score by 2. Meekix are used to hard labor.
Age. A Meekix is born an adult and dies as soon as it completes the first task assigned to it, however long that takes. However, they seem obsessed with the need to die, and will often take increasingly drastic measures to complete the task as quick as possible. Keep your requests short, please.
Size. Meekix prance around between the feet of larger races, with an appearance akin to mechanical capuchins with various irregular features. You are Small.
Inspiring. A Meekix is nothing if not supportive. They seem innately capable of saying the right thing when it’s needed, bolstering the spirits of those around them. You gain the Inspiring Leader feat.
Handy Helper. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.  


Mousefolk are, for all intents-and-purposes, everywhere. That said, these tiny, short-lived yet durable folk are reclusive and often avoid direct confrontation or interaction with the larger folk, preferring to stay out of the public eye and live happily in their own communes. Among those is the noble Heart society, also known as the Heartlands, who quietly seek to pursue and abolish the evils of racism, injustice, and violence to create a safer, happier world for all without drawing attention to themselves in the process.   Ability Score Increase. Increase your Intelligence score by 2.
Age. Mousefolk typically reach adulthood by the age of 10 and live to be around 50.
Size. Mousefolk are small people who use their size to stay out of the limelight as much as possible, traditionally averaging no more than two-and-a-half feet tall and weighing around 20 pounds. Your size is Small.
Resilient. Mousefolk have a reputation as hardy creatures, no matter what they choose to pursue in life. When you choose this race, you gain the Resilient (Constitution) feat.
Darkvision. Staying out of the way often demands hidden places to live – lush, dense forests, underground barrows, the gaps between the walls of bustling urban landscape – and so mousefolk have adapted to the lack of light in many of these places. You have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Language. You can speak, read, and write Common and Loxodon. When speaking Loxodon, you speak a dialect mousefolk refer to as "Squeak Squeak", which largely seems like chittering gibberish to other species but for some reason instills a sense of hesitation in pachiderms and their ilk.  


Nomadic spirits born from the very wind itself, the Sylph are a capricious folk who can know no one place longer than they can stand, and they do anything but stand. The sylph flit from one place to another with glee, seeking out and swapping stories with the locals and oft forming momentary troupes of story tellers, performers, and whatever else have you when they happen to encounter one another in the ‘flesh’. It’s probably no surprise many pick up the skills of bards and minstrels along the way.   Ability Score Increase. Increase your Charisma score by 2.
Age. The sylph are a mercurial sort, born when elemental air latches to a spark of life. While the Sylph are physically considered grown adults the day they are born, Sylph measure their age not in years, but by experiences and stories. You are not seen as nor treated as an adult until you have enough tales to occupy an entire evening with riveting talks of fancy, intrigue, and wonder – whether true or exaggerated. Sylph otherwise die when they’ve told their last tale.
Size. Most sylph are equivalent in size to humans but weigh virtually nothing in kind. Your body is tangible, but otherwise brings to mind a facsimile of wind and clouds in a vaguely humanoid shape. Your size is Medium.
Mobile. While your people lack the flying capabilities of truer elementals, you are no less swift and flighty. You gain the Mobile feat. When you take the dash action on your turn, a subtle whirlwind manifests in your wake, displacing light debris and materials with your passage.
Adaptable. A life on the road is a life fraught with obstacles, and so most sylph pick up a few handy tricks along the way. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial (Auran).