Echo Tuning

  Tuning is the process of breaking down a magic item or its equivalent value in gold and attaching its properties to your Echo with the use of Chromatite. If none of that made sense, don’t worry about it yet. It will. All you need to know right now is that once Tuning is complete, your Echo not only has the properties it previously had, but also has the properties of the magic item(s) you contributed during the Tuning process.   One item. Multiple powers. Epic.   First, you need an item you’re okay with destroying in the process - called a Material Item from here - whose properties you want attached to your Echo. Like Resonance, the item can’t be another Echo, a Hoard Item, or on Chromatia’s Complete Restriction list. Keep in mind when making the Echo that the same Echo cannot contain multiple items belonging to the same “category” (weapon, armor, ring, etc) except for consumable or wondrous items, which are only limited by the Echo’s Frequency.   Second, you need Chromatite. Ten, to be exact. The type of Chromatite should match the rarity of the Material Item - so, for a Very Rare material item, you need ten Chromatite Slabs, or for an Uncommon material item, you need ten Chromatite Fragments. After you’ve Tuned your Echo, the material item and the Chromatite are consumed. Poof. Gone. But your Echo gains the properties of the destroyed item, and may even have its appearance updated to reflect the changes at your discretion. Neat. At the same time, its Frequency is increased based on the material item used.   Remember, an Echo’s default Frequency is one (1). If the Echo was created using a magic item to start with, increase its Frequency as if you had Tuned it. An item cannot be Tuned higher than Frequency 16, so keep this in mind as you plan your Echo’s improvements. In other words, if an item you add would bring the Echo over the maximum Frequency, the process fails and you are unable to add the item (though no materials are lost in the process).  
For example, you created an Echo using an attunable Very Rare item to start with. The default level is 1 and a Very Rare (A) item increases Frequency by +8, bringing our starting Frequency to 9. Through Tuning, this means I can add up to 7 more levels’ worth of materials before I reach max Frequency. Since Very Rare attunable items are already a +8 effect, I can only add non-attunable Very Rares or lesser value from hereon in.