Generate a Ruby Tear

To generate a ruby tear is really just to plan your own memorable moment within a mission. You may choose to generate your ruby tear before doing anything else, or generate it after based on what happened during the mission. The choice is yours, though some may prefer to generate the ruby tear first in order to find inspiration for the content of their missions (using the ruby tear as a sort of framework for designing the story or encounter(s)).    To start, pull up the Magic Item Special Features tables. Go through the list and either roll or choose a Creator, History, Property, and Quirk from the list. Note that with properties, the "Roll Twice" option is only an option if you choose to roll randomly.   Note the description for each of your choices. You are free to make minor adjustments to the description to more accurately mirror the memory you're trying to make, provided the mechanics of the option remain the same (for example: the "Loud" quirk can specify that it sings a part of the gnomeball anthem rather than a random noise).   Once you've generated your ruby tear, make sure to list it as follows:     **Ruby Tear (Mission Name)**
  • **Creator (Trait).** Description.
  • **History (Trait).** Description.
  • **Property (Trait).** Description.
  • **Quirk (Trait).** Description.
  •   Example   **Ruby Tear (Blade of Grace)**
  • **Creator (Dragon).** The blade was fashioned from the remains of Sardior, and preserves his ruby hue.
  • **History (Heroic).** The blade was made as a gift for the very first Dragon Knight, as a symbol of their unity with dragonkind. Others recognizing the blade expect great things from its wielder. 
  • **Property (Guardian, Key).** The blade imbues its wielder with a dragon's heightened awareness, granting a +2 bonus to initiative checks made while wielding it. The blade also functions as a key, though to what has been lost to history. 
  • **Quirk (Covetous).** The blade possesses a portion of a dragon's innate attraction to material wealth, and extends this obsession to its wielder.