
Lifestyle expenses work more or less on the same principles and guidelines provided by the PHB, with a few added perks in Chromatia. First, if you’re unfamiliar with expenses, read this passage real quick. Otherwise, feel free to skip down to the good stuff.    
Lifestyle expenses provide you with a simple way to account for the cost of living in a fantasy world. They cover your accommodations, food and drink, and all your other necessities. Furthermore, expenses cover the cost of maintaining your equipment so you can be ready when adventure next calls.   At the start of each week or month, choose a lifestyle […] and pay the price to sustain that lifestyle. The prices listed are per day, so if you wish to calculate the cost of your chosen lifestyle over a thirty-day period, multiply the listed price by 30. Your lifestyle might change from one period to the next, based on the funds you have at your disposal, or you might maintain the same lifestyle throughout your character’s career.   Your lifestyle choice can have consequences. Maintaining a wealthy lifestyle might help you make contacts with the rich and powerful, though you run the risk of attracting thieves. Likewise, living frugally might help you avoid criminals, but you are unlikely to make powerful connections.   PHB, Chapter 5 (Expenses)
  In Chromatia, guild membership guarantees you a modest living. The guild hall is a formidable fortress and if it couldn’t at least afford to board its own members would certainly raise questions about the effectiveness of the organization. Wealthier lifestyles have the added benefits of additional services in the form of Hirelings and Pets, factored into the cost of your lifestyle.   Modest (0 GP). A modest lifestyle as a guild member keeps you out of the slums and ensures your equipment is maintained between missions. You have your own private quarters within the guild hall (#living-quarters). You have access to reliable food and drink (#canteen), and you have access to advanced medical care to keep you fit and healthy via the medical ward (#east-tower). You typically associate with families, laborers, students, priests, and so forth.   Comfortable (2 GP). You can afford nicer clothing, and have made acquaintance with some merchants, skilled tradespeople, and military officers.   Wealthy (4 GP). A life of luxury is in the cards for you, though lacking the full social status associated with the old money of nobility or royalty. Your lifestyle is comparable to a highly successful merchant, a favored servant of royalty, or the owner of a few small businesses. It’s not uncommon for the guild’s wealthier members to have their own established workspaces on guild grounds, and you have a small staff of servants who attend to whatever minor tasks you delegate.   Aristocratic (10 GP Minimum). You live a life of plenty and comfort. You move in circles populated by the most powerful people in the community, and count some of the most skilled professionals in their fields among your staff and contacts. Everything you could need is attended to on your behalf. You receive invitations to the social gatherings of the rich and powerful, and spend evenings in the company of politicians, guild leaders, high priests, and nobility. You must also contend with the highest levels of deceit and treachery. The wealthier you are, the greater the chance you will be drawn into political intrigue as a pawn or participant.