Mission Loot & Rewards

The Primordials, the Forge Masters, Ingleheimer and the Wannabes, whatever you want to call them, have devised a system permitting the reliable production of custom order magic items without necessarily needing their constant attention in addressing your every whim and need.   Yes, they are still open to talk.   No, they don't have to like it.
  Every mission bears the opportunity for rewards in Chromatia. Rather than relying on the traditional RNG loot models, we've created what we call the "IngLite" system (short for "Ingleheimer Lite") and combined it with the Resonance system. This system allows game masters to choose exact rewards for their missions, and even provide some custom flair to it.  

Generating Gold

Note the CR of *all* creatures, hazards, and puzzles in your encounter. Use the rules on traps in Xanathar's Guide to estimate the CR of non-creature encounters. Then, using the **Individual Treasure Tables** (auto-roller: https://5e.tools/lootgen.html), roll and sum together the GP results for each challenge. If the results come up CP, SP, or EP, round it up to the nearest whole GP. For example:   1 roll on CR 11 - 16 = 200 GP + 2,000 SP. Rounding SP up to GP = 200 GP, for a total of 400 GP. 1 roll on CR 0 - 4 = 14 CP. Rounding up to GP = 1 GP.   Award the total to all participants (so, if the result is 400 GP, all party members get 400 GP). It's intentionally not explained how the GP is obtained, so that even innocuous events like helping an impoverished village can justifiably award GP (maybe it comes from the guild for job completion; maybe it's from a local merchant who is pleased with the results, etc etc - the point is the money gets to the heroes).   Alternatively, if your encounter or encounter set features several creatures (10+ total), you can save yourself some time and effort doing individual rolls by instead rolling a treasure hoard and referencing the gold value of the hoard as a payout for each player participating (so if you roll a hoard worth 200,000 GP, each player who participates gets 200,000 GP worth of gold, trade goods, or whatever else you feel makes sense to deliver your planned rewards).    Lootgen is an awesome and easy to use tool for this, just make sure to screencap the generator's rolls for transparency's sake. If you use lootgen, note the gold value at the top (ex: A total of 317,000 gp worth of coins, art objects, and/or gems [...]) as your payout. 

Generating Loot

If you haven't already, note any items that had significance to the story and were introduced with the specific intent of a party member (or members) receiving the item, in addition to miscellaneous items like jewels, art pieces, or mundane items. These items do not count against loot totals because something something story. Make sure to call these items out in your planning thread and seek approval before including them in the reward list.   First, note the highest rated challenge in the mission (creature, hazard, puzzle). Based on this, the party is guaranteed one Chromatite each of equivalent rarity, based on the below measure. This is the "Core Chroma".   Min CR = Chromatite Value
  • CR 20+ = Pure Chromatite
  • CR 10+ = Chromatite Slab
  • CR 5+ = Chromatite Chunk
  • CR 1+ = Chromatite Shard
  • CR 1/8+ = Chromatite Fragment
  After this, tally up the CR of all challenges in the mission. Treat the "Min CR" of each chromatite as a point value, and subtract from your total CR count for each Chromatite you add to the loot results. For best results, divide the count so that each party member gets an even share of Chromatite (round up if you only have a few points point left over). Otherwise, irregular / atypical results (1 slab + 2 chunks, etc) are within the realm of reason if you prefer disordered results.  

Post Template

Use the following template to post your reward plan to your planning thread. Later, after the mission's been finished, you can use the same template in #loot-and-xp to post rewards.   **__Mission Name: Encounter__**   **Ruby Tear**
  • **Creator (Choice).** Description.

  • **History (Choice).** Description.

  • **Property (Choice).** Description.

  • **Quirk (Choice).** Description.

  • **XP Breakdown**
    B: XP Reward
    R: XP Reward x2
    E: XP Reward X4

    **Loot Breakdown**
  • Core Chroma

  • Story Item(s) (if any)

  • Add'tl Loot (Chromatite)

  • Miscellaneous Rewards (Art Pieces, Jewels, Mundane Items, at GM discretion)