Orb of Dragonkind

A wondrous artifact created when Chromatia was still forming by the Three Primordial Dragons: Io, Null, and Task. It is said the artifact was forged from their tears combined, creating a physical representation of draconic power that would remain in the world long after these great dragons had left the world, whatever that reason may be.   The Orb, being possessed of the essence of all dragons past, present, and future, has a will of its own and declines to readily submit to mere mortals. Legend has it that in times of great unrest, it has permitted mortals to wield it, gaining the power to exert a fraction of the Primordials' power over any dragons within several miles of the artifact's wielder, for better or for worse.   In the hands of a mortal, the item functions exactly as D&D's Orb of Dragonkind. You must have a passive Arcana, History, or Religion score of 20 or higher to recognize the artifact at a glance, and must exceed a score of 25 to understand its basic properties.   However, the orb's true power is only glimpsed in the hands of a True Ancient or a Draconic Deity. The exact properties of the orb in this state are unknown to all but these entities, but great and terrible things alike have been achieved when dragons wield the orb. Consequently, it was hidden away from the world until only recently.   Now, in light of Hyltades' betrayal of dragonkind, the Orb's location has been revealed within the hallowed walls of Castle Reukir, home of the Dragon Knights. With its reveal, the Metallic Ancients have declared a Turning of the Great Cycle and released its magic into the world.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Legendary (Artifact)